>> SABINA: Good evening, everyone and welcome to our panel.  It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this panel and the panel will include the distinguished set of experts from technical communities, international bodies as well as…
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>> MODERATOR: Thank you so much for joining the session.  My name is Auke Pals.  What we are trying to do in this session is counselling AI regulation and also we are trying to interact with you as much as possible in this session to…
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>> ADAM PEAKE: -- to manage their online identities, to bring new geographies online, to bring new brands from the global south online, to bring more content, access to more content and available connectivity. I don't think you really need…
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>> JIM PRENDERGAST: Hello to our participants online. We're waiting a few more minutes after the lunch break so we're going to let folks trickle back into the venue and join here in the room. Hang with us and we'll get going in a few seconds…
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>> MAHITAB ASSRAN:  Good evening, everyone.  Thank you for joining us today.  Today we have a session on Building Bridges in Africa in the Digital Age.  We have three distinguished speakers.  The first speaker is Mr.…
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>> JENNIFER BACHUS: Hello.  We're going to go ahead and get ‑‑...   this system is quite challenging.  For those joining us online remotely who have not experienced the fun of IGF, we do have technical difficulties on…
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>> YOICHI IIDA:  Thank you very much for your patience. We'll start now, the session, on Internet Governance. Japanese Minister of Internal Affairs ‑‑ (audio is distorted) ‑‑ in Civil Society. (Indiscernible) (Audio is distorted…
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>> JUMANA HAJ‑AHMAD:  Good afternoon, everybody. Can you hear me? Yes? Yes. Channel 2, if you cannot hear me, I'm on Channel 2. Okay. Good afternoon, everybody, and thank you for joining us. Just one second. We're checking that…
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>> Good afternoon.  As often with the first session in the split rooms, it is...   we have some details to fix.  I hope I can ‑‑ I hope everybody can hear me. Remotely, I mean. >> YOSUKE KANAKO: Yes, we can…
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>> MODERATOR: Hi.  Good afternoon.  Thank you so much for joining us today.  I am from Argentina, I work with the Deputies there, and I will be moderating this panel.  The name of this panel is "What are parliamentary…
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>> MODERATOR: It seems to be switched on, is it?  Cool.  We at least one working microphone.  And we have a working transcribe as well.  That is awesome.  Whoever is doing that.  Thank you.  We are trying to…
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>> ANRIETTE ESTERHUYSEN: Okay, so, everyone... So, the moderator's opening remark is to say, you need to put on your headphones to participate in the session.  So, good morning, everyone. This is very strange, but I…
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>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We will now start our Open Microphone Taking Stock. I would like to first of all, thank you all very much for sticking it out and being here. I hope you all had a very good meeting…
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>> NATHALIA SAUTCHUK PATRICIO: Hello, hello.  Can you hear me? >> EUNICE PEREZ COELLO: I hear you very well.  Can you hear me? >> NATHALIA SAUTCHUK PATRICIO: Yes, I can hear you also. >> EUNICE PEREZ COELLO…
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(Music) >> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: I would like to thank Governor Ahmed Alsuwaiyan, Digital Government Authority for these high-quality services to enhance and promote quality of life and create a more prosperous digital future and to achieve and…
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