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>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: I would like to thank Governor Ahmed Alsuwaiyan, Digital Government Authority for these high-quality services to enhance and promote quality of life and create a more prosperous digital future and to achieve and realize Vision 2030. Right now, we have come to the high level Ministerial session, which will hosted by Salah. Excellencies will explore the Role Of Digital Innovations and Impact In Enhancing Experience. Ms. Salah Alghaydan, Saudi Channel, will moderate this session. This is titled An Ambitious Vision: The Role of Digital Innovation in Enhancing Experience.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: Good afternoon to you all. I invite their Excellencies to join us on the stage to start this panel of discussion. His Excellency Dr. Tawfig Al Rabiah Ministry of Hajj and Umrah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And Mr. Ahmed AlRajhi, human resources and social development Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And Saleh Al Jasser, Minister of Transport and Logistics services, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. You are most welcome, Excellencies.
The most merciful the most compassionate Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, every day, there is a news story and all have a new chapter, and source of right that the mega story was that in iteration of His Excellency, the Governor of the Digital Government Authority and this session will delve deep. Their Excellencies, which show the time, effort and money, it has taken us to a wider concept, which is the quality of life that we experience on daily basis.
Now, we have become a benchmark in this regard. These are the outcomes of the diligence and serious work and dedicated efforts of his Royal Highness, the Crown Prince and his team. We keep saying that.
His name, the Crown Prince is mentioned, vision and hard work to achieve this kind of remarkable accomplishment. This is the main source of pride for us. So I would like to welcome you to the high level Ministerial session. And this Digital Government, we will talk about the innovation and enhancing the experience.
Before I start, I would like to welcome the Friends Of Peace that you can see in the front part. They watch us and follow us in different parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They are with us virtually, and follow us, and the friends of peace, we extend you the peace from the land of peace. So the land that will host the World Cup.
So you have the peace, security, and this land.
Today, you are closer to us so welcome on daily basis. So we highlight the rule of Government agents, and Digital Government and welcome His Excellency Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfig Al Rabiah. I would like to welcome his Minister, Minister of Human Resources And Social Development Dr. Ahmed AlRajhi. And I would like to welcome the Minister of Transport and Logistics services, Saleh Al Jasser.
I want to start with Tawfig Al Rabiah. We talk about innovation. We have three questions just to manage the expectations. We have a session for about 20 minutes. I will manage it at the session form.
So we will talk about the innovation and how innovation can contribute to enhancing the experience.
Your Excellency.
>> TAWFIG AL RABIAH: I'm delighted to be part of the panel discussion and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has undergone Digital Transformation. I still remember an essay published in the newspaper. Our young people who are in their 20s, they cannot remember the history or how we were and how we have become.
So in the Government agencies, you should take such kind of Documents, a picture or photo of your identity and the family documentation just to finish any transaction. I said, remember the time we have so much bureaucratic, and number of shops for services, and you can find people, just to finish and finalize their transactions. This is you can remember back these IDA SSI, we have huge number of offices and shops at some people come as early as possible. But they don't have enough time or they were not able to finish their transactions. People became attuned.
And right now, you can write and type in your mobile about the people influence and the crowd to finish and finalize their process.
So we can compare between the past and present, we have a paradigm shift in the process, in a very short span of time. Yes, a very short span of time, if we look at the seven series.
Now we have this kind of achievements by leaps and bounds. So we have mentioned the Indexes, we have frankly the fourth digital services, right now, we are ranked top globally. This is source that is bright that we have this paradigm shift in such e services that save a lot of work and efforts and reduce a lot of burden on our shoulders.
So, Your Excellency.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: So Mr. Ahmed AlRajhi, I want to thank you for the work at you have done in this digital world as the custodian.
>> AHMED ALRAJHI: I want to thank the Governor Ahmed Alsuwaiyan as the Governor of the Digital Government Authority. I am excited to see the house is full. This is a good indicator for the attention and keen interest for those working this Sector. I would like to salute them for the hard work.
I will touch upon and follow up what His Excellency, Dr. Tawfig Al Rabiah, said four years ago as the Minister of Human resources and social development. I remember we had this kind of crowdedness in the branches. The crowdedness in the full sense of meaning, to us very disturbing. And we met four years ago, the team, and varied, the 100 root causes, the beneficiaries come to our Ministry, 100 reasons for the people approaching us.
We started this journey of Digital Transformation of how to make such visits electronically through platform and via platform. And we started the notion of the digital services. And the mindset from welcoming our beneficiaries.
So today, and after this is the zero project. So no customer or client will come to us to any branches. This is our ultimate goal, despite the time it was high ambition. Today, we have only two branches across the Kingdom, and the North borders. They have zero visits. No one approaches the physical branches on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. So we lock into the next step.
As my colleagues and Dr. Ahmed Alsuwaiyan, the number from 60,000 per month, to 3,000 per month, Riyadh, the major city, so we this is when at what gains? Because the support of the almighty God and limited support of the Crown Prince. Because he follows up the beneficiary journey through this kind of monitoring to follow the smooth journey and is the drive of our customers.
And now we have the competition, which Agency will achieve and attain the satisfaction of the beneficiaries regardless of their nationalities, so I would like to conclude that by the Minister of Human resources, we have 35 million beneficiaries. In Saudi centres. And service workers and all beneficiaries. This is a testament for the history I present this.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: I present this and we have this kind of we interview the people in the street and they have good feedback on the labor goods and the labor goods have come to the best level of maturity and professionalism, this is my testament.
Your Excellency, Ministry of Transport and Logistics services, before asking the question, I would like to give you a piece of information. This is good evidence, what the Government is doing. Now, we are talking about the network and fuels and highways. You are asking about the length, I have the information three years ago. His Excellency might have the updates. You are revolving around the earth twice.
40,000 kilomitres, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has paved more than 84,000 kilomitres. This information is valid. This is the connected roots.
This is three fourths, the number of the truth. So six rounds, around the earth.
>> SALEH AL JASSER: If we look into the most prominent one of the manifestation of this Region is the empowerment, the human resources of this country. We have to empower the young people the enablement of entrepreneurship and innovation and leveraging of modern technologies. The system of Transport and Logistics services have benefitted from the unlocked potential of such human resources and deploying the innovation and without any further ado.
We have only seven minutes for this session, but I will give you a shining example of what we have already achieved.
With leveraging modern technologies and the concept of the shared economy today, the service of directing vehicles or provide the passenger services for 140 citizens and town before leveraging this kind of concept and technology. The conventional transport was only in 12 cities across the Kingdom, so such service due to the innovation and modern technology save hundreds of thousands of jobs.
Permanent or part time jobs. But jobs over time and freelance around flexible hours. For our citizens of this great nation.
I give you another striking example. For the modern technologies, for the delivery. For delivery. It is a newly established delivery service.
Sorted by the Minister of Communication His Excellency, the Minister of Telecommunication. During the pandemic, remember, from that time, one thousand million delivery services have been completed. And since that time, five hundred million directing vehicles.
So this is a small feature of leveraging modern technologies by providing job creations and enhancing the beneficiary experience.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: Thank you, Your Excellency. Such figures. We have a story behind such figures. The final question will be integrated with the new updates in each Ministry.
What is the role of innovation in efficiency, if you would give us in the answer the new launches and updates.
>> TAWFIG AL RABIAH: We have the paradigm shift and huge transformation for digital services. This is part of the vision of the Crown Prince and with the genuine partnership of the Excellency, the Minister of Telecommunications, for this paradigm shift we have the interconnection between the Government agencies and services. This is a paradigm shift in the Government services and engaging the Private Sector and to provide services for the Private Sector for the Minister of Hajj and Umrah and for Hajj and Umrah, this is fully integrated. And from end to end, smooth journey.
So we have a number of services in one stop shop.
This is what we do for the different stakeholders. For your question for raising the efficiency and competency we have a number of factors. At play, come to play in this regard.
We face a lot of crowdedness at the Holy site now, with the e services and digital services. We have eased this crowdedness, and at the holy site it has become smooth and it is for efficiency and optimal use of our resources.
We have updates, the road, we have a new system to evaluate the contracting between the travel agencies from 84 countries, participating in this system. And we have contracts in thousand. So how to preserve the rights of both parties.
So this is a fully integrated rights guaranteeing system. This is a paradigm shift to ensure the satisfaction of our customers. This was very clear in the last season.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: His Excellency, Ahmed AlRajhi.
>> AHMED ALRAJHI: After we establish the services, we have thousands of services, after making the services, the goal is how to provide the AI, the service of our initiates, strategies and services. For instance, we have Ahmed Sheik, the Minister is interested in the labour market issues.
It took six months to issue the authorization for a specific profession such as pharmacy or accounting.
So by using AI today, in just only two weeks, we can do simulations with the entire workforce for the Saudis and with more targeting and accuracy. And such guarding the competency platform. It was launched four months ago.
Today, every job seeker in the Private Sector or the Private Sector can apply or the competency platform.
In the past, it was a platform that require CV. It was to not empower our human resources. Right now, we have provided more than 1,000,000 jobs, by matching the skills and the job market requirements. We have the scan and matching alignment.
We have launched a number of Programmes and initiatives targeting to maximize the value and benefit and the high accessibility for this authorization and enhance workplace in general.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: Thank you Your Excellency, Your Excellency, Saleh Al Jasser, the efficiency and if you have updates.
>> SALEH AL JASSER: I'm going to talk about the platform, His Excellency talked about the unification, Mr. Ahmed Alsuwaiyan. And to enhance the beneficiary experience and increase beneficiary and transport services we have launched the service to be the single window for the transport and logistic services, a single window or shop can better service the end user and service providers and the organizers in the Sector and a fully integrated manner in a state of 10s of platforms. We have one stop shop that accelerate the innovative services.
Today, we have 350 services related to this platform. And we'll finalize. We're up to 1,000 services to ease and streamline the services for the end users and the efficiency and Governance in the services.
I will tell a story. I will tell a story.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: The Excellency know we have achieved the targets ahead of time for moving the headquarters. The commercial yesterday, the only reasons they feel that they will continue for this audit is we have hosted the Director and platform can operate in 90 countries.
They can get the services approved or outside of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Anytime, for business or leisure trip.
The Government has invested in the justice system and now we have e litigation 100%. This is a pioneering effort.
And now we have this kind of before I thank their Excellencies, I would like to thank their Excellencies.
We have this kind of passion to ask their Excellencies questions. We would like to thank His Excellency, Dr. Tawfig Al Rabiah, Minister of Hajj and Umrah. And His Excellency, Ahmed AlRajhi, for human resources and social development, and His Excellency, Saleh Al Jasser for Transport and Logistics services. Thank you for joining us for this discussion.
>> SALAH ALGHAYDAN: I would like to thank my co emcee. Fatma. On this occasion, we have a short video launched by the Ministry of Saudi women. We encourage watching it to see how the Saudi women can play a pivotal role in providing security in this country. My co emcee, Fatma, the floor is yours.
>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: I would like to thank the Moderator and the panelists for their time. The.
The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia would like to launch products that benefit the experience and enhance the quality of life and the target of the Digital Government to highlight such services and platforms to provide quality services which raise the quality of life.
So I would like to welcome His Excellency, the head of the Dr. Mohammed Sheik to launch the platform of the beneficiaries. On the custodianship of minors.
>> Peace and blessing be on Mohammed and your Royal Highnesses, good afternoon to you all. It is my pleasure to share the general Authority on the minors and their like. And this interactive platform that sheds light on Digital Transformation in Saudi Arabia, which is considered one of the most important key enablers to achieve and realize Vision 2030.
So I would like from the outset to express my deep appreciation to the King and Royal Highness Prince Mohammed for the unlimited support to provide the enablers which deem necessary to achieve this kind of success and Digital Transformation for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Digital Transformation today has become a key enabler of the economic growth and development of services and achieve excellence in different domains and Sectors and the new era and raise quality of services provided to the citizen and elevate the digital services and enhance the beneficiary experience and achieve the sustainability and innovation.
So the general Authority has started and implemented Digital Transformation strategy, which has launched for the beneficiaries and enable the Authority through the integration and the digital connection and linkage to raise and elevate the services and the Authority, work continuously to develop infrastructure and technologies such as AI to develop and to enhance the operations and activities to preserve and manage the assets of minors. And the Authority will work as well to contribute to Digital Transformation nationwide through building partnerships, digital partnership with a number of Government agencies and the Private Sector, in alignment of our efforts with vision 2030. The contribution to enhancing the Government performance and raising the quality of life.
Distinguished guests, the Digital Transformation is not just the adoption of new technologies, but it is the mindset and methodology including different aspects of work. In this regard, I would like to underscore the importance of empowering the young human resources and supporting them with knowledge and tools to lead and spearhead this transformation.
I would like to place an investment in human minds to achieve a brighter sustainable future.
I would like to thank those who make this Forum success certain from His Excellency, engineer and another engineer and his team, wishing for them this discussion and debate will be the launching pad for achieving Digital Transformation.
Thank you.
>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: Thank you to His Excellency, and we would like to congratulate the Authority for this launch that will transform the digital landscape across KSA.
(No English translation)
>> ANNOUNCER: This will show us a display about the customs Authority. So let us welcome the Governor of the Authority engineer who will tell us about the uses of vehicles for individuals. So this is a new platform related to the use of vehicles for individuals.
>> In the name of God oh, merciful, your Highness, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, as salamu alaykum.
It is my pleasure to be here at the Forum that is organised by the Authority. And it is to exchange experiences, which allows us opportunities for all Government entities to showcase their achievements.
In Digital Government.
It is my pleasure to announce the launch of a development project for our Authority. And in customs, which is related to the importation of individual vehicles, which allows the Authority. It is a new project which is a very big transition in the production of our services.
It allows people to import individual vehicles through the platform within a few minutes. And this service will also allow to bring down the cost for individuals. So this transition would not have been possible if it weren't for the available digital services that allow us to simplify and streamline the services.
And the shortening of the process and the lowering of the cost will allow us also to upgrade our services as an Authority.
This is a step that is an extension of the aim of our Authority to develop and enhance its services and also to support competitiveness.
Of course, because we have to save time because time is of essence in our Sector. This is why we are trying to leverage as much as possible all of the digital services that are available. And we want to thank of course our wise leadership for providing us with all of the services and that are offering every support for the Digital Transformation, and offering us the international standards of digital services.
Dear all, also allow me to thank everyone that contributed to the development of this service, all of the stack holders and partners stakeholders and the levels of the department, and it allow us to upgrade the services. I would like to thank the organizers of the Forum for all of the services and all of the efforts in allowing us to showcase the creativity in Digital Government.
I would ask God all merciful to bid you all luck in all of your future endeavours.
>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: Thank you, Mr. Engineer, we would wish you luck also in this new platform.
Now, let us welcome the Dr. Soud that will launch their platform.
>> It is an initiative we have started with the launch of the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and the Programme aiming at implementing activities and the services for the various measurement devices, Kingdomwide, the platform is a digital platform aim think at supporting Digital Transformation in the field of measurement enhancing efficiency and simplification of efficiencies to provide better services in the field of examination and verification of all the various measurement of us, launch four themes, the fuel pumps, the first one.
The second ones are gold scales and various commercial scales. The third is the electricity metres and the fourth is the water meters.
We aim to improve the efficiency of the sources whether it is water, electricity or energy through verification of the measurements being done accurately and compliance through the environmental standards and the Kingdom's commitment in that regard and making sure that the measurements support the environmental sustainability and improve the competitive capabilities between the various service providers in order to enrich the transactions between the service providers and the consumers.
Through this initiative, we're able to achieve more than the measurement of calibration of more than 86,000 fuel pumps as well as calibration of 6,600,000 electricity metres, forming 62% of metres Kingdomwide. We have completed calibration of more than 22,000 commercial scales in the various domains, representing 51% of the scales targeted. And we also started with the water Sector and we were completed with the calibrating and measuring 170,000 water metres representing 14% of the targeted metres.
I take pride in the inauguration of this platform. In conclusion, I would like to thank His Excellency, the Minister of Communication and Excellency Mr. Ahmed Alsuwaiyan CEO of the Authority for the pioneership in the organisation of this important Forum. Thank you and a heartfelt congratulations. Thank you to all the dear guests, peace and blessings be upon you.
>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: We thank you for the launch on the platform that will enrich and lead to facilitate the digital experience to the consumers. This comes in alignment with the 2030 ambition vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. As achievement do not stop as we aim to accelerate the Digital Transformation in order to realize the 2030 vision. The Digital Government Authority has launched the measurement of the Digital Transformation for the 2024 contributing to the consumer satisfaction and increasing life quality.
Let's watch together this clip or this presentation.
>>VIDEO: More than instruments, various platforms, paperless processes, this was not only an objective, only a means to empower those to live seamlessly. The Digital Transformation is the key to development and our gateway to improvement.
Through it, we save time, create opportunities, and we have made the distance closer as the objective is to improve the efficiency and improve the performance. We're innovating, creating, developing and since what we can't measure we cannot achieve. There is a base which was Riyals. The Digital Transformation to accelerate the transformation through which we can measure our performance and our steps in order to achieve better.
The 2024 class has achieved 87.4% through the measurement or 235 Governmental entities this year. And 20 of which have reached the creativity level of 76 and have reached integrative level in a manner that has reached creation and integration in 2024.
The future is now.
>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: Now after a long time of wait, now is the time to announce the outcomes of the measurement of the Digital Transformation Index for 2024 and to be introduced to 20 Governmental entities, have reached innovation and creation, Your Excellencies, to honour the entities that have reached this level, it is my pleasure to invite to the stage His Excellency, Minister of Communication and Information Technology Mr. Asur, and CEO of the Digital Government Authority, join us on the stage.
A warm welcome to all you Excellencies on the stage.
>> Warm welcome to you, juror Excellencies. And thank you for accepting the invitation to join us today.
20 Governmental entities that have excelled and who have no losers amongst us today, we will start with the 20th position ... that goes to national Commission of Cybersecurity.
Your excellence, engineer, the Director General of IT, kindly join us on the stage to be honoured.
Congratulations. Congratulations to the national Commission of Cybersecurity for the 20th position on the measurement of Digital Transformation for the 2024.
A warm welcome and heartfelt congratulations.
The 19th position goes to the general organisation, and congratulations on the 19th position.
(No English translation)
>> DEEMAH ALYAHYA: The 18th position goes to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Your Excellency engineer ... the Deputy Minister for communication and Information Technology and your esteemed colleagues, join us on the stage. The 18th position from the indicator for Digital Transformation goes to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.
Can the team join us from the Ministry of Information Technology, congratulations.
The 17th position goes to the social Development Bank, kindly join us the CEO and the team kindly join us on the stage. Heartfelt congratulations.
The 17th position of the measurement of the Digital Transformation goes to the social Development Bank. A heartfelt congratulations for all of your exerted efforts.
And your excellent work.
The 16th position goes to the Ministry of Defense. Kindly join us Your Excellency engineer, Minister of Your team, kindly join us on the stage. Congratulations.
The 16th position for the Digital Transformation year 2024.
The 15th position goes to the University. Join us the University Director and the team. Heartfelt congratulations.
Heartfelt congratulations.
Heartfelt congratulations to the University.
The 14th position goes to the Saudi Authority for measurement and specifications and quality, kindly join us Your Excellency, and the team.
14th position for the Digital Transformation measurement for year 2024.
Warm welcome to the team.
The 13th position. The 13th position goes to the medical Affairs at National Guard Ministry, the general Director of the medical Affairs and your team, join us on the stage. A heartfelt congratulations.
13th position of the measurement of the Digital Transformation for the year 2024 go to the medical Affairs at the National Guard Ministry.
And for the 12th position ... goes to the Ministry of Municipalities and housing, Your Excellency, the Deputy Minister, kindly join us on the stage along with the team.
Heartfelt congratulations to the Ministry of Municipalities and housing for the 12th position.
A Group photo.
The 11th position goes to the Ministry of Energy. Kindly join us Your Excellency, the supporting services and the team. Kindly join us on the stage. Ministry of Energy. The 11th position goes to the Ministry of Energy and the measurement of the Digital Transformation for the year 2024
Heartfelt congratulations to the Ministry of Energy and the team.
A Group photo.
The 10th position goes to the Ministry of Pilgrimage. Congratulations to the Minister for the planning and Digital Transformation along with the team. Kindly join us on the stage.
A heartfelt congratulations to the Ministry of Pilgrimage for attaining the position of 12th position for the hard work. Congratulations to the team.
If you could kindly have a Group photo.
A heartfelt congratulations to the Ministry of Pilgrimage.
The ninth position goes to King Herod University. Kindly join us the Dean of The deanship and the team. A heartfelt congratulations for obtaining the ninth position for the Digital Transformation measurement.
A heartfelt congratulations for the excellence work at the University. And obtaining the ninth position in the Digital Transformation measurement.
Great efforts exerted behind each and every creative team. Long hours of work.
The eighth position goes to the Secretariat of the Riyadh Region. Kindly join us engineer, the Deputy Minister for the Digital Transformation and Smart Cities along with the team.
Eighth position for the Secretariat of Riyadh Region.
And the Digital Transformation measurement congratulations on the fruitful efforts we see today.
Happy to see a team of the youth of this beloved country the receive this award. The seventh position goes to the Ministry of Transport and logistic services. Your Excellency, the Deputy Minister and team, kindly join us on the stage. Seventh position from the Digital Transformation measurement goes to the Ministry of Transport and Logistics services.
Ministry of Transport and Logistics services.
The sixth position goes to the communication space and technology Commission. Kindly join us Your Excellency. The Commission Governor and the team. Heartfelt congratulations for being awarded the sixth position and the Digital Transformation measurement.
Communication space and technology commission, heartfelt congratulations.
The fifth position goes to the Ministry of Justice, Your Excellency, the Deputy Ministry for Digital Transformation along with the team, join us on the stage.
A warm welcome to the Ministry of Justice that has been awarded the fifth position in the Digital Transformation measurement.
Ministry of Justice seeks relentlessly to facilitate the services provides to the beneficiaries.
If you could kindly have a Group photo.
The fourth position goes to the Saudi Commission for Data and AI, Your Excellency the Deputy of the Director General of the national Commission along with the team.
Saudi Commission for Data and AI is awarded the fourth position for the Digital Transformation measurement this year.
Congratulations for being awarded the fourth position.
If you could kindly have a Group photo.
And the third position goes to, as you all know the distinguished guests that the results are announced according to the standards document of Digital Transformation and are always constant updates. And experts and auditors and experts from the University as well as employees for the various Sectors for the assessment of the outcomes of the various entities. The third position goes to ... the customs Authority. Your Excellency engineer the Authority Governor and the team to be kindly join us on the stage to be honoured.
Congratulations on being awarded the third position for the Digital Transformation measurement.
A heartfelt congratulations.
The second position goes to severe competition this year. And every year, it is more severe from the year before.
This year, everyone has worked relentlessly to be awarded these positions. We have no losers amongst us, but the second position goes to the Minister of HR and social development.
Your Excellency, the Deputy Minister and the team, kindly join us on the stage.
Ministry of Human resources and social development.
And for the first position ... last year, the first position was awarded to the Authority of tax and customs, however, this year the competition is severe.
The first position ... goes to ... an entity that we all benefit from, and we all aspire and await their outcomes and their work. This entity is ... the social institution for social insurance. The social insurance institution. The social insurance institution. Kindly join us Your Excellency, the Governor, along with the team. Join us on the stage for obtaining the first position and the Digital Transformation measurement for the year of 2024. Go team!
A well deserved award.
You have earned it.
And we have no losers amongst today. All of the entities have excelled and have competed to best serve the beneficiaries in the Kingdom.
If you will kindly have a Group photo.
On this special day, congratulations for being awarded the first position in the Digital Transformation measurement.
Thank you Your Excellencies, thank you dear guests and for all the entities that have taken the time to be with us today, and that have participated, thank you for your precious time.
We would like to congratulate all of the various entities and we look forward and await more achievements that would improve and better the services provided in the Kingdom to contribute to the advancement and throughout the various indicators. We will have a short break and resume in a few minutes to continue. 30 minutes and we will be back. Thank you.