When faced with emergency situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, the economies of countries are usually severely affected. The use of digital technologies can help reduce the harm, for instance through placing more importance on digital…
Ceremonial/HL Session
Emergency situations affecting people worldwide usually bring significant increases in cyberattacks ‎and cybercrimes. The current COVID-19 pandemic is no exception, with many organizations reporting ‎attacks of various kinds on their online…
Ceremonial/HL Session
In emergency situations, such as various natural and other forms of disasters, people’s lives, cultures ‎and our planet overall, are affected. These situations can completely stop some regular life dynamics. ‎For example, people are unable to work,…
Ceremonial/HL Session
The High-Level Wrap-Up will take the form of an interactive dialogue among high-level leaders from different stakeholder groups, including from governments, private sector, civil society and technical communities from different regions. Closing…
Ceremonial/HL Session
The 15th annual IGF meeting was hosted in two phases from 2 to 6 and 9 to 17 November 2020. This session invites participants to share their experience on the IGF 2020, its flow and outputs, as well as to suggest ways for improvements…
Ceremonial/HL Session
High Level Session of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) 2018 "The Internet of Trust” Monday, 12 November 2018, UNESCO, Paris, France   15:35 – Welcoming remarks by Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO 15:40 – 15:…
Ceremonial/HL Session
Ceremonial/HL Session
15:00 Open the Session: Chengetai Masango – IGF Secretariat 15:02 Brief Introductory Remarks: Ms. Lynn St. Amour - IGF MAG Chair Amb. David Martinon - Host Country Co-Chair Mr. Pierre Bonis – Co-Chair of the French Multistakeholder…
Ceremonial/HL Session
CLOSING REFLECTIONS FROM STAKEHOLDERS: 16:55 – 17:00    Ms. Noha Ashraf Abdel Baky, Digital Grassroots.org, Youth Capacity Building Volunteer Program – representing Civil Society 17:00 – 17:05    Ms Lise Fuhr, Director…
Ceremonial/HL Session
  16:25 – 17:40 Panel 1: The new challenges of the Internet Governance Cybersecurity, data protection, cyber criminality and digital inclusion   • Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO • Ms. Mariya Gabriel,…
Ceremonial/HL Session
  17:40 – 18:40 Panel 2: Strengthening the Internet Governance and the IGF How to develop and strengthen the Internet Governance Forum?   Introductory remarks from Mr. Liu Zhenmin, UN Under-Secretary-General for…
Ceremonial/HL Session