IGF 2018 Main Session:
Accessibility and Digital Inclusion
1. Title, Date, Time, Format and Venue, Facilitators
Title: Accessibility and Digital Inclusion
Date: 14 November 2018
Time: 11:30am - 12:50pm (80 minutes)
Main Session
The Lightning session will look into the follow up of the NetMundial Multistakeholder Conference and the Sao Paulo Declaration from 2014. It will call to kick start am evaluation process of the Sai Paulo document to prepare a review…
Lightning Session
Subtheme: Child Online Safety
The session will shed light on the iinterrelatedness between the Domain Name system and children's rights. It will elaborate on the various options to ensure children's rights to freedom of information, to…
Lightning Session
- Title: Emerging Technologies and Rights Future
- Organizer(s): Dynamic Coalition IRPC
- Chair/Moderator: Hanane Boujemi
- Rapporteur/Notetaker: Minda Moreira
- List of speakers and their…
Lightning Session
Title: Solving Digital Divides in New Zealand: a multistakeholder approach
Solving digital divides to ensure all people can benefit from the Internet remains an enduring…
Lightning Session
Title: Trends in Digital Rights in Africa
The state of Digital Rights in Africa has worsened in the past 3 years. The regularity and severity of digital rights violations such as Internet shutdowns, clampdown and arrests of citizens for…
Lightning Session
LIGHTNING SESSION 6: Can we reduce poverty with technology?
Name: Diego Molano, Chair, ICC BASIS, Former ICT minister of Colombia; International Consultant, Digital Transformation of Governments and Companies…
Lightning Session
Since 2014, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has convened the annual Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) to provide a pan-African space where discussion at the global…
Lightning Session
Name: Luã Fergus Cruz
Organization: Center for Technology and Society at FGV Law School
Country where Organization is based: Brazil
Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
Regional Group:…
Lightning Session
· Title: Model of Community and Indigenous Connectivity
· Presenter Name/Organization/Stakeholder Group/Regional Group: Karla Velasco Ramos/Redes por la Diversidad, Equidad y Sustentabilidad A.C./GRULAC
· …
Lightning Session
Session Organizer: Lori Schulman, International Trademark Association, USA
Charles Shaban, Abu-Ghazaleh IP, Jordan
Lori Schulman, International Trademark Association, USA
Theme: Development, Innovation and Economic Issues…
Lightning Session
Presenter Name: Carolina Caeiro
Organization: LACNIC
Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
Regional Group: LAC
Gender parity in the workforce and women underrepresentation in the ICT sector are…
Lightning Session
Theme: Development, Innovation, and Economic Issues.
Subtheme: Internet for Development and Sustainable Development Goals for Women
Moderator: Maria Beebe
Organizer: Lima Madomi
Some women’s empowerment problems could be addressed at…
Lightning Session
Theme: Development, Innovation & Sustained Development Goals
This Lightning Session builds on 2017's IGF workshop "Two Networks Will Shape Your Digital Future" where speakers detailed how both power/electricity and…
Lightning Session
Despite the fact that almost ten years have passed since blockchain was introduced by bitcoin, the technology remains mysterious to many people particularly in understanding how it could impact the Internet and its future. In this session, we…
Lightning Session