Chile IGF

National IGF of Chile was recognized in 2022. It stands as a multistakeholder platform for  discussion of digital public policy issues in Chile and beyond.

While the IGF 2022 policy networks are under implementation, during 2015-2021, the following policy networks were implemented. Please click on each to learn more.

The PNMA brough together experts from all stakeholder groups and regions to exchange experiences and ideas on why achieving meaningful and universal Internet access remains ‎so challenging, in spite of years of efforts by policy makers and other actors from all stakeholder ‎groups. During IGF 2021, the PNMA multistakeholder working group of experts, together with the community, explored the following policy questions:


Main Session Policy Network on Internet Fragmentation @IGF2024

Avoiding Internet Fragmentation : Understanding and Contributing to Operationalising the GDC Commitment

The Best Practice Forum on Gender and Digital Rights intends to ex

The BPF Cybersecurity 2021 on the use of norms to foster trust and security, intends to take a deeper look at the drivers of cyber norms and test these norms concepts against historical Internet events, to better understand how speficic norms can be effective at mitigating adverse cybersecurity events.  (MAG Agreed BPF proposal )