Join Canada IGF Talks

National IGF of Canada is organizing a series of multistakeholder talks on Internet governance priority issues!

Join the next Canada IGF talk: What should the priorities be for a Canadian digital foreign policy agenda?
8 March 2022 at 2:00 PM EST


India IGF

The national IGF of India was established in 2021. Its aim is to facilitate discussions between all stakeholders as equals on public policy issues related to the Internet.

Nepal Youth IGF

Nepal Youth IGF was established in 2021. The main goal is to encourage and involve young people in the substantive discussion on Internet governance.

Messages from Katowice IGF and other substantive outputs


Samaila Atsen Bako - Cybersecurity Experts Association of Nigeria 

The 16th IGF was near perfect to me. I totally enjoyed the whole experience and made a lot of useful contacts from several countries. I enjoyed contributing to the global discourse on internet governance from my knowledge of cybersecurity and digital skills in Africa.

Follow the Session Live HERE

The First Open Consultations and MAG Meeting was held online from 23 to 25 February. The agenda of the meeting encompasses the following hours, breaks included: