>> CARINA BIRARDA: Okay, we are going to start. Good morning, everyone. Good afternoon, good night. I want to express my gratitude for joining this workshop Quantum-IOT-Infrastructure Security for Cyberspace. It…
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>> MODERATOR: Hello, everyone. Good morning. Hello to everyone who is here aren't thank you for being present. Hello to everyone following us online. Welcome to our session which is titled Beneath the…
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>> MODERATOR: May I request those participating or attending this can come to this side? Left and right? Because there is no point all of you sitting behind the panel. We have space on the right and the left…
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GERARD DACHÉ: Can you guys hear me?LORI SOUZA: I can hear you.>> Yep, I can hear you.>> Can the colleagues online hear us well?GERARD DACHÉ: Great.>> And you can also see us, okay?GERARD DACHÉ: Yeah, we can see the panel up…
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MODERATOR: Great. Thank you to everyone who is here and I think in particular to everyone who is only. We're going to get started. I'm sorry about us starting a few minutes late but we had to set things up.So welcome to the session of the…
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>> OLAF KOLKMAN: We'll allow people to digest their lunches for another three minutes. And then we start. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Both online as well…
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>> Good morning, gootdz afternoon and good evening to all those joining us online. This work is shop is called Decolonise Digital Rights For a Globally Inclusive Future. Before we begin, I would like to encourage on-site and remote…
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>> ANANYA SINGH: Good afternoon, good evening to all those who have joined us on-site and online. Welcome to the Data Protection for Next Generation, Putting Children First. I would …
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>> OLGA CAVALLI: Thank you, everyone, for being with us this early afternoon here in beautiful Kyoto, Japan, and welcome all of the remote participants that are following from all over the world, for my colleagues in Latin America, it must be…
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>> MODERATOR: What we have been seeing is like for maximizing this artificial intelligence positive aspect in society, there is a fundamental need in agreeing on responsible and ethical principles for the development and what I bring today as…
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>> MARINA ATOJI ATOJI: We are about to start our session, and I would like to ask you to please move forward.Good morning everyone. My name is marina Atoji. I'm also joined by my co‑moderator online. His name is Igor. And this session will…
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>> IAN BARBER: Hello everyone? Yeah it's working. We're good.Good morning. Hope everyone is doing well. Thank you so much for joining this session. One of the many this week on AI and AI governance.But with a more focussed view and…
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>> MODERATOR: Good morning, and welcome, everyone, to the main session on sustainability and environment at the IGF 2023 in Kyoto. Sustainability really is now one of the top priorities in every global agenda from all levels from all…
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>> PEGGY HICKS: Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for this main session on Human Rights, Upholding Human Rights in the Digital Age: Fostering a Multistakeholder Approach for Safeguarding Human Dignity and Freedom for All.My…
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>> AVERI NEVES: Hello. I know it was a very quick break. I know it was very quick for people to leave and come back. We apologize. We are here, we are now, we are starting.So, this session is the future of digital governance. One of the…
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