East Car Park of UNECA. The Village will be located outside in this converted car park beneath large tents. Please see MAP.
Policy Network on Environment (PNE) Open Consultation
Facilitated by IGF Secretariat, IGF PNE
The PNE Team will present their draft report and collect participant feedback for incorporation, before submitting their final draft at the 16th IGF.
IGF 2021 Closing Ceremony
Mr. Yasushi Kaneko, Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
Ms. Huria Ali, Minister of ICT, Ethiopia
Mr. Janusz Cieszyński, the Republic of Poland’s Secretary of State and Government Plenipotentiary for Cybersecurity
Ms. Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, UN Assistant Secretary-General
Mr. Krzysztof Szubert, Republic of Poland Plenipotentiary for UN IGF 2021
Mr. Göran Marby, CEO, ICANN
IGF 2021 Newcomers Track
For those participating for the first time at the IGF, this newcomers track session will provide an overview of the IGF's structure and process modalities. It will also focus on the IGF 2021, its structure and ways to participate meaningfully.