National Initiative

Singapore IGF

The Singapore national IGF was recognized in 2025. It serves as an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to engage in discussions on matters related to Internet governance.

Ireland IGF

The national IGF of Ireland, established in 2024, serves as an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss key Internet governance issues.

Saudi Arabia IGF

The national IGF of Saudi Arabia was established in 2024. It serves as a platform a multistakeholder collaboration and dialogue on Internet governance matters.

Saudi Arabia IGF

The national IGF of Saudi Arabia was established in 2024. It serves as a platform for the multistakeholder collaboration and dialogue on Internet governance matters.

Iraq IGF

The national IGF of Iraq was established in 2024. Structurally, the national IGF of Iraq is composed of two branches, each supported by a dedicated multistakeholder organizing committee that operates in line with the IGF core principles and cooperates among themselves for one national

Guinea Bissau IGF

The national IGF of Guinea Bissau was established in 2024. It aims to facilitate an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss Internet governance-related matters.

Lesotho IGF

The national IGF of Lesotho was recognized in 2024. Its main aim is to raise awareness about the importance of Internet governance and to facilitate an open and inclusive dialogue among all stakeholders, on Internet-related policy issues.

Czechia IGF

The national IGF of Czechia was established in 2023. Its main objective is to create an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to cooperate and discuss public digital policy.

Maldives IGF

The national IGF of the Maldives was established in 2023 year. Its main goal is to create an inclusive open space for all stakeholders to discuss matters related to public digital policy in the country and beyond.

Kazakhstan IGF

The national IGF of Kazakhstan was established in 2023. Its main goal is to facilitate an open, inclusive and bottom-up platform for all stakeholders to discuss the issues related to Internet governance and cooperate.

Comoros IGF

Comoros national IGF was established in 2022. Its main goal is to create an inclusive platform for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss the issues related to Internet governance.

Libya IGF

The national IGF of Libya was recognized in 2023. Its main aim is to create an inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss issues related to Internet governance of priority for the country.

Kyrgyzstan IGF

The national IGF of Kyrgyzstan was established in 2023. Its main goal is to facilitate an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to discuss digital public policy.

Mali IGF

The national IGF of Mali was recognized in 2023. Its main aim is to build a multistakeholder platform for discussion of Internet governance issues of relevance for the national community and beyond.

Serbia IGF

The national IGF of Serbia was recognized in 2022. Its main objective is to creat an open, inclusive, public, open, constructive and useful process to help shape the national digital policy and create conditions for further digitalization whilst preserving the rights of citizens.

Chile IGF

National IGF of Chile was recognized in 2022. It stands as a multistakeholder platform for  discussion of digital public policy issues in Chile and beyond.

India IGF

The national IGF of India was established in 2021. Its aim is to facilitate discussions between all stakeholders as equals on public policy issues related to the Internet.

Liberia IGF

The objective of the Liberia IGF, of which the first meeting was in 2020, is to create an Internet governance discussion platform for all stakeholder groups of this respective country.

United Kingdom IGF

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The national IGF of the United Kingdom was created in 2009. It aims to provide a local forum in the UK that engages different stakeholders in debates on Internet governance issues. It also seeks to encourage partnerships and coalitions that deliver solutions and demonstrate best practices for others to learn from.

United States of America IGF (IGF-USA)

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National IGF of the United States of America was organized in 2009 year. It represents a multistakeholder effort to illuminate issues and cultivate constructive discussions about the future of the Internet. It provides a domestic forum in the USA to engage, helping to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward.

Uruguay IGF

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Uruguay national IGF was created in 2016 year. Its main objective is to gather different stakeholder groups from this respective country to address relevant Internet governance issues.

Vanuatu IGF

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Vanuatu IGF was established in 2019. It aims at establishing a multistakeholder platform for discussing the Internet governance related matters.

Venezuela IGF

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National IGF of Venezuela was established in 2018. Its core objective is to make possible for the multistakeholder community of Venezuela to channel the inputs regarding the development of Internet Governance related matters.

Zambia IGF

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The Zambia IGF was established in 2019. It is an open and inclusive space facilitating dialogue on Internet governance issues of relevance to people in Zambia.

Zimbabwe IGF

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This national IGF was launched in 2015 as a multistakeholder platform for public policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance in Zimbabwe.

Pakistan IGF

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The national IGF of Pakistan was established in 2017 year. It aims for creating a platform for discussion, dialogue, exchange and collaboration on Internet Governance issues.

Panama IGF

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Founded in 2017, the national Panama IGF aims to provide a unique platform for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss issues pertaining to the Internet.

Paraguay IGF

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National IGF of Paraguay was established in 2014 year. It creates a multistakeholder space for this respective community to address issues related to Internet governance, from the national perspective.

Peru IGF

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National IGF of Peru was organized in 2015 year. Its mission is to create a space for a dialogue on Internet Governance, in which various stakeholder groups discuss the use and development of Internet in this country.

Poland IGF

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National IGF of Poland was established in 2016. This IGF stands as an opportunity for the community to discuss in an open and unrestrained atmosphere about the most important issues related to the functioning of the Internet in Poland and beyond.

Portugal IGF

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The Portuguese Internet Governance Forum Initiative is a national platform for dialogue that brings together public and private stakeholders, academia, the Internet technical community and society in general to inform, reflect and debate in an open and interactive way, as the Internet, an increasingly relevant topic in the national and international panoramas, must be governed.

Russia IGF

National IGF of Russia is created in 2010 year. The Forum is devoted to answering the question related to a possible global consensus in the field of Internet governance.

Rwanda IGF

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This national IGF was established in 2014. It serves as a forum engaging different stakeholders in the country in discussions on Internet governance issues.

Senegal IGF

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The Senegal IGF was established in 2017 with the objective to provide the national community with a multistakeholder forum for discussing Internet Governance matters.

Sierra Leone IGF

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This national IGF was recognized in 2020. It provides a multistakeholder platform for the national community to discuss matters of Internet governance. 

Slovenia IGF

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Slovenia national IGF was organized in 2016 year. Its goal is to gather different stakeholder groups in Slovenia, to discuss relevant Internet governance issues and seek for potential solutions.

South Africa IGF

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The South Africa IGF was organized in 2016. It serves as a unique space to bring different stakeholder groups together to discuss issues related to Internet governance from the perspective of their respective communities. 

South Sudan IGF

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The South Sudan IGF was established in 2019. The initiative serves as a multistakeholder forum for public policy dialogue on issues of Internet governance in South Sudan.

Spain IGF

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The Spain IGF was established in 2007. It is a decentralized space for the debate of public policy issues that promotes the sustainability and solidness of the Internet. It provides a platform to encourage discussion among different stakeholders and it gives voice to the Spanish society in international fora in the field of Internet governance.

Sri Lanka IGF

Sri Lanka national IGF was recognised in 2015 year. Its main objective is to reinforce active citizenship in people and participates in the development of intercultural and intergenerational dialogues.

Sudan IGF

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The national IGF of Sudan was established in 2018. Its main objective is to provide a multistakeholder platform where different Sudanese communities can discuss matters pertaining to Internet governance.

Swiss IGF

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Swiss national IGF was established in 2015 year. It aims to enable different Swiss stakeholders to interactively discuss among themselves, topical questions concerning governance of the Internet.

Tanzania IGF

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The Tanzania IGF was established in 2009 and recognized by the Secretariat in 2018. Its main goal is to engage different stakeholders in multistakeholder discussions on public policy issues related to key elements of the Internet.

Togo IGF

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This national IGF was established in 2015. Its mission is to bring together different national stakeholders to discuss Internet governance issues relevant to their respective communities.

Tunisia IGF

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The Tunisia IGF was organized in 2012. It provides a space for inclusive multistakeholder discussions on Internet governance issues in Tunisia and worldwide.  

Uganda IGF

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The Uganda IGF was established in 2006 with the objectives to recognize relevant Internet governance issues in Uganda, to raise awareness about these, and to build a consensus on national and regional positions. 

Ukraine IGF

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National IGF of Ukraine was created in 2010 year. The purpose of this Forum is to discuss the most critical issues of the information society development in Ukraine.

Haiti IGF

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Haiti national IGF was established in 2018. Its purpose is to facilitate an open, inclusive, bottom-up and multistakeholder process for its respective community.

Honduras IGF

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National IGF of Honduras was established in 2019. Its main objective is to create a multistakeholder platform for discussion on Internet governance matters of national priority.

Hungary IGF

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National IGF of Hungary was established in 2019. Its multistakeholder Steering Committee facilitates an open and inclusive, bottom-up process for everyone to engage in discussions on Internet governance.

Indonesia IGF

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Indonesia's national IGF was established in 2012. It aims to achieve those principles set out in the Indonesia IGF Declaration.

Italy IGF

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National IGF of Italy was organized in 2008 year. It brings different stakeholders to discuss issues related to Internet governance, important for this respective community.

Japan IGF

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Japan national IGF was established in 2016. Its main goal is to create a unique place for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss the issues related to Internet governance.

Kenya IGF

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The Kenya IGF was created in 2008. It aims to serve as a national platform for policy dialogue on issues related to Internet governance.

Lebanon IGF

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National IGF of Lebanon was established in 2017. Its core objective is to develop a multistakeholder process for their respective community to address matters pertaining to the Internet governance.

Madagascar IGF

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The Madagascar IGF was recognised in 2020. It aims to provide a multistakeholder platform for discussion of Internet governance matters of the community's priority.

Malawi IGF

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The Malawi IGF was established in 2015. Its main objective is to facilitate discussion on Internet governance issues among different stakeholders from this community.

Malta IGF

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Malta national IGF was launched in 2011 year. It is a national multi-stakeholder Forum where all stakeholder groups meet to discuss key issues associated with the Internet. Its aim is to provide a local forum that engages interested stakeholders in debate on Internet Governance issues.

Mauritius IGF

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The Mauritius IGF, founded in 2017, is a collaborative leadership event that encourages policy dialogue between State and Non-State actors and amongst stakeholders on the issue of Internet Governance. The Mauritius IGF tries to group together all stakeholders whereby they are treated equally in their role of dialogue. It gives an exclusive space for people to interact and develop solutions concerning Internet problems.

Mexico IGF

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Mexico national IGF was created in 2015 year. The goal of this Initiative is to bring the different stakeholder groups in one place to discuss the issues on Internet governance relevant for their respective community.

Moldova IGF

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This national IGF was established in 2020. Its main objective is to bring together members of various categories of actors to discuss, within a multilateral, democratic, and transparent process, the most important public policy issues related to the Internet.

Mozambique IGF

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The Mozambique IGF was organized in 2014. This IGF aims to increase the ability of different stakeholders in the country to identify and discuss issues related to the Internet.

Namibia IGF

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The Namibia IGF was established in 2017. It provides a platform for multistakeholder discussion of Internet governance issues.

Nepal IGF

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National IGF of Nepal was established in 2017. Nepal IGF Declaration indicates that the main objective of this IGF is to promote and encourage open and inclusive dialogue and exchange of ideas among all stakeholders involved with Internet governance related issues.

New Zealand IGF

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National IGF of New Zealand was established in 2011 year. It serves as a multistakeholder platform for discussing issues related to Internet governance, from the perspective of this respective community.

Nigeria IGF

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The Nigeria IGF was established in 2013. This initiative aims to provide a sustainable national forum that engages industries, the government, lawmakers, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders in a strategic national debate on Internet governance.

North Macedonia IGF

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The national IGF of the FYRO Macedonia, was established in 2017. As per its Declaration, It is an open, inclusive and informal space for dialogue on Internet governance issues between all stakeholders.

The Netherlands IGF

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National IGF of Netherlands was established in 2010 year. Its main objective is to bring the importance of the IGF to the attention of Dutch stakeholders. This is important in order to realize a firm embedding of the international results into a national policy, as well as to make the national voice heard internationally and to put important national themes on the international agenda.

Chad IGF

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The Chad IGF was organized in 2012 with the objective to facilitate multistakeholder dialogue on public policy issues related to Internet governance.

Colombia IGF

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National IGF of Colombia was launched in 2014 year. The Forum is focused on discussing needed efforts to shape the evolution and use of the Internet in Colombia.

Costa Rica IGF

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The Costa Rica national IGF was established in 2017. Its central objective is to create an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss Internet Governance issues of relevance for this respective community.

Côte d'Ivoire IGF

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This national IGF was established in 2020. Its main goal is to provide a multistakeholder platform for open and inclusive discussion of Internet governance issues.

Croatia IGF

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Croatia IGF was established in 2015 year. It aims at creating an environment for open discussions and thinking in the Republic of Croatia on important issues concerning the future of Internet.

Denmark IGF

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National IGF of Denmark was established in 2013 year. It serves as a multistakeholder platform for discussing issues related to Internet governance, from the perspective of their respective community.

Dominican Republic IGF

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The national IGF of the Dominican Republic was organized in 2015 year. The main aim of this national IGF is to bring into the discussion the Internet Governance issues of relevance for this respective community to be discussed among interested stakeholders.

Ecuador IGF

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The Ecuador IGF was formed in 2016. Its main goal is to bring together all concerned stakeholder groups in this region to discuss issues related to the Internet.

El Salvador IGF

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National IGF of El Salvador was established in 2018 year. It aims to establish a multistakeholder process for its respective community, to discuss Internet governance issues of relevance.

Estonia IGF

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The national IGF of Estonia has been organized since 2017 and is in Estonian called "Internet Day". The mission of the event is to create a unique platform for all stakeholders and the local community to discuss the topics related to the Internet Governance issues.

Finland IGF

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The national IGF of Finland was launched in 2010 to discuss on a national level issues related to Internet governance. 

France IGF

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French national IGF was established in 2015 year. It aims for creating a multistakeholder process for its respective community to discuss issues pertaining to the Internet governance.

Gabon IGF

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The Gabon IGF was established in 2015. It aims to provide a platform for discussing national Internet governance issues and connecting the national community to regional and global processes of relevance.

Georgia IGF

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National IGF of Georgia was organized in 2016. Its main objective is to support participation of all stakeholders in Internet governance related discussion, as defined in the Charter of the Forum.

Germany IGF

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German national IGF was created in 2008 year. The purpose of the IGF-D is to foster the dialogue on concrete questions about the development of the Internet between the stakeholders and to unlock new potentials for Germany, as well as to prepare and strengthen the contributions of the German stakeholders at the European and UN Internet Governance Fora.

Ghana IGF

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The Ghana IGF was established in 2014 with the overall goal to provide a unique space for different stakeholders from this respective community to share information, develop a dialogue, and provide recommendations on key Internet issues.

Greece IGF

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The national IGF of Greece was recognized in 2021. It operates under the name ''Digital World Summit Greece''. This national IGF's objective is to engage all stakeholders in a multidimensional and interdisciplinary discussion about Internet Governance, where all related procedures and the programme stem from the community itself.

Guatemala IGF

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The national IGF of Guatemala was established in 2017. Its objective is to create a forum for all stakeholders of this respective community to discuss issues related to Internet governance.

Afghanistan IGF

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The Internet Governance Forum Afghanistan (IGFA) was established in 2017. It aims at addressing issues of relevance for the respective community of Afghanistan. It brings diverse stakeholders under a single platform to discuss challenges and propose solutions.

Albania IGF

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Albania IGF was established in 2017. Its objective is to create an Internet governance discussion platform for all stakeholder groups of this respective country.

Argentina IGF

Argentina national IGF was established in 2015 year. The main goal is to create a space for a dialogue on Internet Governance matters, in which different stakeholders discuss the development of Internet in this respective country.

Armenia IGF

The Armenia IGF was established in 2015. The main goal of this Initiative is to provide an open and transparent platform for all stakeholder groups to bring up and discuss Internet governance related issues.

Australia IGF

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The Australian Internet Governance Forum (auIGF), formerly known as NetThing, is an annual event which brings a diverse multidisciplinary community of stakeholders together and facilitates discussions on governance and public policy issues pertaining to the Internet in Australia.

Austria IGF

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Austria national IGF was established in 2015 year. It aims at creating an open discussion platform for representatives of different stakeholder groups on all relevant issues related to the management and further development of the Internet.

Azerbaijan IGF

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Azerbaijan IGF was established in 2014. The main goal of this Initiative is to provide an open and transparent platform for all stakeholder groups to bring up and discuss the Internet governance related issues.

Bangladesh IGF

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Bangladesh national IGF started its work in 2006 and received official recognition in 2016. It provides a domestic independent forum in Bangladesh aiming to engage different stakeholder groups into the discussion on Internet governance. It helps to create partnerships, coalitions and dialogues that demonstrate best practices and help move policy forward.

Barbados IGF

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Barbados national IGF is established in 2017 year. Its objective is to provide Barbadians from all sectors of society with a platform to discuss how they use the Internet and the most pertinent issues affecting them.

Belarus IGF

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Belarus IGF was organized in 2016 year. Its main objective is to bring different stakeholder groups from Belarus to discuss relevant Internet governance issues. This national IGF also facilitates engagement of the youth through integrated Youth IGF initiative.

Benin IGF

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The Benin IGF was established in 2012. The forum provides a platform for different stakeholders in Benin to discuss issues related to Internet governance.

Bolivia IGF

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The Bolivia IGF was organized in 2017. Its main aim is to create a unique multistakeholder platform for discussing policy issues pertaining to Internet governance that are of relevance for this respective community.

Botswana IGF

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This national IGF was established in 2019. Its main purpose is to provide a multistakeholder platform for the Botswana community to discuss Internet governance issues.

Brazil IGF

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National IGF of Brazil was organized in 2010 year. Its main objective is bringing together different stakeholder groups to discuss Internet-related issues in Brazil and worldwide. The Forum is, therefore, an open opportunity and an invitation to discuss the current and future challenges of the Internet as a whole.

Burkina Faso IGF

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The national IGF of Burkina Faso was organized in 2014. It aims to provide an open and inculsive multistakeholder platform for the Burkina Faso community to discuss issues related to Internet governance.

Cabo Verde IGF

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The Cabo Verde IGF was founded in 2020. It aims to provide a collaborative space for the national multistakeholder community to gather and discuss Internet governance issues.

Cameroon IGF

The Cameroon IGF was established in 2017. Its main objective is to provide a unique platform for the multistakeholder community of Cameroon to discuss Internet Governance matters of relevance.