IGF 2014 - Workshop Proposal Form Template
(Below is a list of the questions and selections that will be on the online submission form which will be made available on 25 March 2014.)
Note: The fields marked with * are compulsory.
Workshop (please see the IGF Guidelines for workshop proposals)
- Primary contact information:*
- Ms. / Mr.
- First name
- Last name
- City
- Country of Residence
- Nationality
- Stakeholder group
- Organizational affiliation
- Country where organization is based
- Secondary contact information:*
- Ms. / Mr.
- First name
- Last name
- City
- Country of Residence
- Nationality
- Stakeholder group
- Organizational affiliation
- Country where organization is based
- Which IGF 2014 sub theme does your workshop fall under?* tick boxes
- Policies Enabling Access
- Content Creation, Dissemination and Use
- Internet as an Engine for Growth & Development
- IGF & The Future of the Internet Ecosystem
- Enhancing Digital Trust
- Internet and Human Rights
- Critical Internet Resources
- Emerging Issues
- Other
- Title of proposed workshop: * (60 characters)
- Concise description of the proposed workshop, including a specific statement of the Internet Governance problem/question/challenged to be addressed. (Max 250 words) NB: the subject matter of your workshop should be of direct relevance to Internet Governance:*
- Name(s) and stakeholder and organizational affiliation(s) of institutional co-organizer(s):*
- [note would provide example]
- John Smith
- Private Sector
- Business Name
- [note would provide example]
- Have you, or any of your co-organizers, organized an IGF workshop before? If yes, provide the link to the workshop report.* (Tool Tip: Those workshop proponents that have held a workshop in a previous IGF were required to have submitted a workshop report soon after that IGF.)
- tick box No report was produced.
- tick box No report was produced.
- Type of session:* (see: Outline of possible session formats)
- Panel
- Roundtable
- Capacity-building session
- Group Work
- Birds of A Feather (BoF)
- Debate
- Flash session
- Other
- What is the duration of your proposed session? (e.g. 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes):*
- Please provide up to five subject matter #tags that describe your workshop (e.g. #privacy, #diversity, #security):*
- Provide names and affiliations (stakeholder group, organization) of speakers you are planning to invite. (Tool Tip: Please refer to the workshop guideline page for MAG evaluation considerations.)
- [for each speaker] Name
- Stakeholder group
- Organization
- Have you contacted the speaker? Y/N
- Has the speaker been confirmed? Y/N
- Do you need help in recruiting speakers from certain stakeholder groups?
- Name of Moderator(s) (if any)
- Name of Remote Moderator(s)
- Describe how you plan to facilitate discussion amongst speakers, audience members and remote participants:
- Describe your plans (if any) for remote participation (for example setting up remote hubs or involving remote panelists):
- Upload any background paper here (PDF or DOC): (Tool tip: Background papers should be provided in advance of the IGF meeting introducing the subject and setting the scene for the discussions in the session.) (Expected length of the document: 1-3 pages)