Workshop Report
Workshop 33
Hall 2, 11:00 - 12:30 December 6
1. Title
Global Culture for Cybersecurity
2. Organizers and Panelists
Consultative Committee on UN Information Technology (CCIT),China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
Internet Society of China (ISC)
Speakers and Panelists:
Prof.Xinmin Gao
Standing Vice Chairman of Internet Society of China, Member of the Advisory
Committee for State Informatization
Prof. QING Sihan
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Engineering Research Center
for Information Security Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Dr. William Drake,
Director of the Project on the Information Revolution and Global Governance, the
Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. TAO Xiaofeng
School of Telecommunication Engineering, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication
Prof. LIU Chuang
Director of Global Change Information and Research Center, Institute of Geography and Natural Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Mr. HUANG Chengqing
Secretary General of Internet Society of China
Prof. Wolfgang Kleinwächter, International Communication Policy and Regulation, University of Aarhus
3. Discussion
The topics of the workshop are crucial to IGF and can be divided into three parts,
Part 1: Application of Internet
Application of Internet and mobile communications in emergent occasions, such as Wenchuan earthquake in Southwest China in May, 2008, are extremely and particularly important and helpful.
Part 2: Availability
Make the Internet available and accessible to all people in China, including the disabled, the poor, teenagers, etc, is one of our most desirable goals.
Part 3: Security and Trust
The cyber security is facing both opportunities and challenges. Building and enhancing trust among Internet users is the assurance of reaching the next billion users; therefore, the Norm version 3.0 is needed.
Nearly 70 participants attended the session and discussions. They were impressed by the achievements of the Internet application in China and felt it was necessary to follow up the formation of World Internet Norm (WIN).
Many participants of the Workshop pointed out that the World Internet Norm could well serve as a necessary guideline and guarantee for the openness, diversity, trust, accessibility and affordability of the Internet to most of the users in the globe, although it takes time to establish mutual understanding and to be accepted widely.
Some participants of the Workshop said that an Internet with openness, trust and security, diversity and accessibility can only be realized by self-disciplined multi-stake holders, not by god or any other forces. Therefore, a good Norm is absolutely needed.
4. Possible Follow-up
We have solicited suggestions and comments from the multi-stakeholders on the drafted World Internet Norm after the previous IGF meetings, and have made improvements. We hope the discussion on the World Internet Norm will become one of the main topics at the IGF meetings in the near future.
5. Contact Information
Ms. MA Jing, Email address:
6. Attached File
World Internet Norm Version 3.0