OCTOBER 23, 2013
The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during the Eigth Meeting of the IGF, in Bali, Indonesia. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
[ Joined in Progress ]
>> We're going to take a group photo. Second one from the access provision category is e‑PharmacyNet, an adapted mail order pharmacy for the Sub‑Saharan African developing countries represented by Mr. Farell Folly, please.
[ Applause ]
Second category for the FIRE award is the category of eDevelopment, so the first winner is empowering African Women and Girls through the use of informative and interactive online resources to be represented by Rainatou Sow.
[ Applause ]
And the second winner is the eDevelopment is VENAME platform the promotion, management and sale of African ccTLDs through mobile payment, represented by Daniel Dindji.
[ Applause ]
Thank you. Can I please have all the winners stand in a row with Adiel in front of these banners and then have a group photo? Thank you.
>> FIRE is the fund for Internet research and education initiated by AfriNIC, the original Internet registry for Africa. It aims to encourage innovations providing ‑‑
[ Video ]
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>> We also have a video for FRIDA, but ‑‑ okay, let's see that video from ‑‑ followed by FRIDA and then I will introduce the winner.
Maybe not. All right. For FRIDA, there will be no presentation of trophies on FRIDA award because it has been given in the LAC IGF before, but we would still like to call the winners of the FRIDA Awards.
In the category of access, the winner is Canales Asociacion Civil. It's a virtual video books in Argentina Sign Language.
[ Applause ]
Represented by Anahi Ezaqui. Second category of Freedoms, the winner is ONGAWA Willay, Governance and Citizenship through ICTs in rural areas, represented by Marta Ortega.
Third category of Development, the winners are ElectroSmart: Portable Electrocardiograph for mobile devices, Regional Iniciative, represented by Jonathan Vainstein.
[ Applause ]
And Municipality of Medellin, EPM, ISAGEN: Early Warning System for Medellin and Aburra Valley, Colombia, represented by Juan Camilo Trujillo.
[ Applause ]
And then fourth in the category of Innovations, the winner is La Voz Pública, Foundation for Checking Discourse,, represented by Laura Zommer. Oh, did I miss anyone?
Yes. And the most voted and most creative award was given to FAVIM VotaloBotalo, Argentina, represented by Anahi Menendez. I'm sorry to miss you. So these are all the winners for FRIDA.
Thank you. Thank you very much. Big hands to the FRIDA winners again, please. Thank you.
All right, now, the last of the three would be the ISIF Asia award. I will just put the videos later so I'll just call the winner now.
In the category of innovation on learning and localization, the winner is from Bangladesh, represented by Mashiur Raman. Can I ask Mr. Jens Karberg from SIDA to present the award? Thank you.
[ Applause ]
Thank you, yes.
In the category of innovation on access provision, the winner is eToro, indigenous botanical knowledge management system of Penans, Malaysia, represented by Mr. Geran Jengan and Mr. Tariq Zaman. Can I please have Phet to present the trophy?
Next in the category of code for the common good, the winner is RuaiSMS to empower grass root communities in Indonesia, represented by Ivie Yupentius. Can I please have Mr. Yannis from Dot Asia to present the award?
Okay. In the category of Rights, the winner is Amar Desh Amar Gram, My Country My Village, from Bangladesh, represented by Mrs. Sadequa Rahman.
Can I please have Rajnesh Singh from ISOC to present the trophy?
[ Applause ]
Okay, just one more category, and that's the community choice award was given to the design and development of precision agriculture information system, in Bangladesh, represented by Abdur Razzaque. Can I please have Blandine Cousin to represent from APNIC with the trophy?
[ Applause ]
Thank you. So can we please have a group photo?
Thank you, everyone.
[ Applause ]
Now can I please have Jens Karberg from SIDA to address?
>> JENS KARBERG: Thank you very much. My name is Jens Karberg. I'm with SIDA. I'm very happy to be here. It's not so often you have the opportunity to be in so many photos.
I just want to congratulate Seed Alliance for terrific work. We started this collaboration ‑‑ it's actually started on IGF 2011 when I met Seed Alliance in the presentation of the award winners, and we had our formal cooperation started last year, and this is a great opportunity for SIDA to support innovative initiatives ‑‑
[ Music ]
Thank you for the compliment.
‑‑ to support initiatives and also to find smaller projects that SIDA is not really able to otherwise find. And one great thing about Seed Alliance is the context and it's built up by three regional organisations: APNIC, AfriNIC and LACNIC which I think this collaboration stands for both the local context but also the global cooperation which I find is one of the great things about Seed Alliance.
I won't say much more but thank you all for the good cooperation in the Seed Alliance, and thank you all Awards and grants winners. You have done a marvelous job. Thanks.
[ Applause ]
>> All right, so now we have the videos and we're going to play all three videos in one go.
[ Videos ]
We're going to see a few more videos from FIRE winners. Food will be served so please stay around a few more minutes.
[ Video ]
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>> So before closing this session, I just representing APNIC, one of the three RIRs supporting the Seed Alliance would like to mention three messages. One is APNIC is committed to the Seed Alliance. We will continue to strengthen our work with LACNIC with AfriNIC to keep this project going.
Number two, we would like to continue doing this, bringing the award winners to events like IGF. These are innovations, grassroots innovations, that delivers real benefits, real‑world problems, solve real‑world problems, and the Governments, the Civil Society, the businesses need to hear from them, so we would like to see more of the winners being a speaker, a moderator, or a panelist on sessions in IGF.
And third and last message, of course, is for us to thank all the donors, the supporters, the sponsors of the Seed Alliance, and without your continuous commitment, we cannot keep this going. So please do maintain the support, and so we keep the innovations, stream of innovations, going to the future. Thank you very much.
[ Applause ]
>> So as for lunch, if you can't find food on the ground floor, you might be able to find it on the second floor. They're still there. Thank you.
Group photo for the winners, for all three programmes, please. Thank you.
[ End of session ]
This text is being provided in a rough draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.