Registered Remote Hubs for the Sharm El Sheikh Meeting


Remote Hub :  Dhaka, BANGLADESH
Institution: Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, Dhaka BANGLADESH
Number of Expected Participants:
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
Managing critical Internet resources; Security, openness and privacy; Access and diversity and Internet governance in the light of WSIS principles.
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
Meetings to be held with Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, ISOC Bangladesh Chapter, ISP Association of Bangladesh and interested stakeholders on the present scenario and future planning of IG in Bangladesh.
Contact name: Rahman Khan John, Consultant (IT) BTRC
Email: [email protected]


Remote Hub : Dublin, Ireland
Institution: Irish Medicines Board, Dublin, Ireland
Number of Expected Participants:
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
 gTLD extension; Medicines on the Net
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
Hugo Bonar, IMB Officer, is attending in Egypt and will brief staff before leaving
Contact name: Joseph Callan
Email: [email protected]


Remote Hub : Madrid,  Spain
Institution: UPM-Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Polytechnical University of Madrid)
Number of Expected Participants:
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
 Multilinguism (Diversity), Critical Resources and Security
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
The Spanish IGF, which holds monthly meetings, has been successful at raising awareness and bringing attention to the IGF and the various topics it covers. We are going to use the Spanish IGF's infrastructure (e-mail listings, web, twitter, etc.) to inform all stakeholders about the Remote Hub. We hope to be able to identify interests, raise the debate and contribute to both the local IGF and the international IGF taking place in Sharm El Sheikh.
Contact name: Pablo J. Frías Díaz 
Email: [email protected]


Remote Hub : Red Científica Peruana (ccTLD .pe)
Institution: San Andrés University – 25 de Mayo and Tucumán Street, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Number of Expected Participants:
 15 - 20
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
 Access, Diversity and Openness
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
Prepare a basic open discussion paper related to Peruvian context
Promote discussion at, facebook, twitter,  on main topics based on the paper
Contact name: Karina Tello
Email: [email protected]


Remote Hub : Quezon City,  Philippines
Institution: ASTI (Advanced Science and Technology Institute) of the Department of Science and Technology
ASTI Bldg., C.P. Garcia Ave., Technology Park Complex,
U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, PHILIPPINES 1101
Number of Expected Participants:
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
 Access and Diversity 
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
Contact name: Bani Lara and Winthrop Yu
Email: [email protected]


Remote Hub : Red Científica Peruana (ccTLD .pe)
Institution: San Andrés University – 25 de Mayo and Tucumán Street, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Number of Expected Participants:
 15 - 20
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
 Access, Diversity and Openness
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
Prepare a basic open discussion paper related to Peruvian context
Promote discussion at, facebook, twitter,  on main topics based on the paper
Contact name: Karina Tello
Email: [email protected]


Remote Hub : Buenos Aires, Argentina
Institution: San Andrés University – 25 de Mayo and Tucumán Street, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Number of Expected Participants:
20 - 30
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
 Security, Openness and Diversity
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
Contact name: Mónica Abalo Laforgia (first contact) / Carolina Aguerre (back-up contact)
Title: Internet Research, Diplo
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]


Remote Hub : São Paulo
Institution: City of Knowledge Research Group, Dept. of Film, Radio and TV, School of Communicatin and Arts, University of São Paulo
Number of Expected Participants:
Possible area(s) of interest within the 5 main IGF themes:
 Social networks, access and diversity, privacy
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
We are setting up a mailing list of members of the organizing team to discuss way forward.
Contact name: Gilson Schwartz, PhD Professor, Research Leader at the City of Knowledge (
Title: Internet Research, Diplo
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Remote Hub : Accra
Institution: Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT
Number of Expected Participants:
20 - 50
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
We are setting up a mailing list of members of the organizing team to discuss way forward.
Contact name: Charles Amega-Selorm
Title: Internet Research, Diplo
Email: [email protected]


Remote Hub : Columbia
Institution: Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet
Number of Expected Participants:
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
27 de Octubre, 28 de Octubre
Contact name: Antonio Medina Gomez
Title: Presidente. Coordinador IGF Colombia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Remote Hub :  Belgrade, Serbia
Institution:  DIPLO, RATEL Agency (Republic Telecommunication Agency)
Number of Expected Participants:
Planned Pre-meeting activities:
Open consultation and discussion about IGF
Contact name: Arvin Kamberi
Planned Ares of interest: Access and diversity, Emerging issues – impact of social networks, Security, openness and privacy
Email: [email protected]