Orientation Session - Day 2

Orientation sessions are intended for both newcomers to the IGF and those that are already involved but would need to get a more holistic view of internet governance. It will gather experts, fellows, decision-makers and practitioners to “dive in” process, actors and topics related to the Internet governance. The sessions will be serious but amusing, creative but also informative, open but also guided in order to be effective.


Day 2: 8.00-9.30, Main Hall

Set up: Groups/Touring

Participants: All Stakeholders

Main focus: Understanding the topics of the day (security, openness, privacy; access and diversity; IG for development; critical Internet resources)

Time: 90 mins

(10min) Introduction: Ice breaker


  • How did you find the first day? (Any Challenges? Recommendations?)


(20min) Snapshot of Day 2

  • “Internet Governance Principles”
  • “Focus Session: Principles of Multistakeholder Cooperation”
  • “Focus Session (Security): Legal and other Frameworks: Spam, Hacking and Cyber-crime”
  • “Taking Stocks”
  • Capacity building sessions of the day (WS 287, WS 62)


(60min) “Topics Fair” - Thematic areas


SOP group:

  • Topics: security, openness, privacy and related (surveillance, net neutrality, data protection, human rights)
  • Lead by CS &Media Assisted by organizers of workshops- Cyberspace governance- Exploration, How can Internet be an engine of development and growth


Access and Diversity group:

  • Topics: access and diversity, including infrastructure for last mile, costs, cloud infrastructure, local content and services,
  • Lead by lead by Private Sector & Academia assisted by  organizers of workshops- Encouraging locally relevant content to grow the internet, A better internet with youth


IG4D group

  • Topics: governance, multistakeholder model and roles, environment for the emerging markets, ...
  • Led by Government & intergovernmental organizations  assisted by organizers of Wkshps; FOSS smart choice for developing countries, Internet Security through Multistakeholder cooperation


CIR group

  • Topics: critical Internet resources including root zone, DNS, IP (IPv6), role of ICANN, RIRs and ccTLDs, resilience and stability of CIR
  • Led by Technical team assisted by organizers of workshops , Internet Governance for next billion users



Groups/ Touring

  • Various topic experts are split into small groups around the room, trying to persuade participants that their topic is most intriguing, raising controversies, explaining solutions, players and positions (at least 2 experts on each topic)
  • The particular organizers of the capacity building (WS 215, 287, 62, 344, 201, 175) will also get involved and share details of their workshops and their relevance to the particular theme and encourage participants to attend
  • Participants can roam between groups if they wish, and get involved
  • High interaction within groups

