Every morning, as part of the capacity building track, an orientation session will serve to help map the overall IGF and other diplomatic/political processes, main actors and ecosystem, various topics, and help newcomers to understand how they can engage during and after IGF and benefit from it. It will be highly interactive, with group work, with assistance of facilitators and volunteer experts in various topics/thematic areas.
Orientation sessions are intended for both newcomers to the IGF and those that are already involved but would need to get a more holistic view of internet governance. It will gather experts, fellows, decision-makers and practitioners to “dive in” process, actors and topics related to the Internet governance. The sessions will be serious but amusing, creative but also informative, open but also guided in order to be effective.
Day 1: 8.00-9.30, Main Hall
Set up: Panelist & audience (classroom setting)
Participants: All Stakeholders
Main focus: Navigating the IGF; Diplomacy, process, actors;
Time: 90 mins
- (20min) Introduction: Navigating the IGF
- Navigating IGF: providing practical hints and inputs on how to navigate the IGF during the meeting; (Main sessions, workshops, remote participation, corridors, etc.)
- How to choose the workshops
- Is this your first time to attend a global IGF?
- Are you involved or have you attended any of the national/regional IGF’s
- What is your expectation in the IGF 2013
Short Q&A
- (55min) Diplomacy, process and actors:
WSIS process, IGF, other fora (EC, ICANN, ITU); actors/stakeholders and their main positions with panelists from; WGIG/IGF/ICANN/ITU members;
- A brief of the WSIS process
- Role and mandate of the IGF and MAG
- CSTD role and WGs
- Multistakeholder model and roles:
Private Sector /Business
Short Q&A
- (15min) Snapshot of Day 1
- Plenary 1: “Building Bridges - The Role of Governments in Multistakeholder Cooperation”
- Capacity building sessions of the day (WS 215)
- Why this theme?
- Why attend this session?
- How to get involved with the sessions (a little explanation e.g will there be a Q&A in this session?)
- “Introduction to Internet Governance” e-book: www.diplomacy.edu/igbook
- “Mapping internet public policy” slides and presentation: www.apc.org/en/pubs/books/mapping-internet-public-policy
- “The Internet Ecosystem” document: www.internetsociety.org/sites/default/files/Ecosystem_Factsheet.pdf