Main Sessions 2012



Internet Governance for Development

Emerging Issues

Managing Critical Internet Resources

Security, Openness and Privacy

Access and Diversity

Taking Stock and the Way Forward



Internet Governance for Development (IG4D)

Date: 7 November 2012

Time: 15.00 - 18.00

IG4D Thematic Cluster 1 "Pending Expansion of the Top Level Domain Space"

Question 1:How do various actors in the developing world - governments, industry groupings, the technical community, civil society-perceive the relative costs and benefits of expanding the domain name space to the end-user; Are there any issues on which greater clarification and mutual understanding would be helpful?

Question 2: What kinds of support may be required to help communities, NGOs and businesses from the developing world in bridging the potential inclusion gap of TLD space?

IG4D Thematic Cluster 2 "Enabling Environment"

Question 1: What does it take to attract investment in infrastructure and encourage innovation and growth of ICT services, including mobile technology and how can these technologies best be employed to address development challenges?

Question 2: What are the challenges and opportunities for the participation of ssamtakeholders in developing IG policy, legal and regulatory approaches?

IG4D Thematic Cluster 3 - "Infrastructure"

Question 1: What are the key concerns regarding Internet infrastructure from developing countries' experiences and how can new technologies and the Global Internet Governance mechanisms address limitations, offer opportunities and enable development?


Mr. Ismayil Alekberov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Azerbaijan


Alice Munyua (Kenya), Chair, Kenya Internet Governance Steering committee, Government of Kenya, Africa, Government

Carlton Samuels (Jamaica)



Mr Brian Cute, CEO PIR, Technical Community, Confirmed

Ms Erika Mann, Managing Director of Facebook, Private Sector, Confirmed

Ms. Carolina Aguerre,General Manager, LACTLD, GRULAC, Technical Community, Confirmed

Mr. Philipp Grabensee, Chairman of the Board of Afilias, WEOG, Private Sector, Confirmed

Mr. Rohan Samarajiva, founding Chair and CEO of LIRNEasia, Asia Pacific, Civil Society, Confirmed

Mr. Toru Nakaya, Director-General, Institute for Information and Communications Policy, MIC Japan, Government, Confirmed

Mr. David Souter, IISD, Academia

Panelists: It is envisioned that the following panellists will introduce the following clusters

Cluster 1 : Brian Cute, Carolina Aguerre, Philipp Grabensee

Cluster 2: Erika Mann, Rohan Samarajiva, Nakaya-san

Cluster 3: Erika Mann, Rohan Samarajiva, Nakaya-san


Remote Moderator: Fouad Bajwa/Sylvia Cadena

Feeder workshops:

WS 61: New gTLD program: an opportunity for development or a mean for more digital divide?

WS 68: Multi-stakeholder Internet Public Policy: Toolkit for internet public policy practitioners

WS 81: Internet Governance and Sustainable Development: The Case of Small Island Developing States

WS 119: Defining the Successful Factors of Different Models for Youth Participation in Internet Governance

WS 122: The Use of a New gTLD for Community Engagement, Advocacy and Development

WS 142: Inclusive innovation for development: The contribution of the Internet and related ICTs





Emerging issues

Date: 6 November 2012

Time: 15.00 - 18.00

Article one of the WSIS Declaration of Principles states: “We, the representatives of the peoples of the world, assembled in Geneva from 10-12 December 2003 for the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society, declare our common desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society, where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities and peoples to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable development and improving their quality of life, premised on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and respecting fully and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

This represented a consensus at the highest level in 2003, yet today we see a growing emphasis on technical measures to address concerns about the online market for counterfeit goods and digital copyright infringement, as well as ever-stronger demands to enlist Internet intermediaries as the instrument of law enforcement. These trends are emerging in States of all political persuasions, and are paralleled by longer-standing efforts to limit or control free speech in the political and social realms.  All stakeholders have responsibility to ensure that everyone has the right to create, access, use and share information and knowledge in the digital realm. This session should look at the impacts of all topics on the free flow of information in a crosscutting way while engaging participants on the various dimensions of the issues.

Each question will be addressed in approximately 30-45 minute blocks. The session will leave 30-45 minutes at the end to assess what has been learned and how to best move forward.

Question 1: To what extent do Internet based services offer new and radically different opportunities to help families, social groups, communities and broader structures in society organize and re-organize themselves when challenged by natural disaster or strife? Dialogue around this question is expected to embrace a wide range of issues including, inter alia, discussion of:

Internet and traditional media for disaster recovery and management

Internet Governance for Disaster Reduction and Response – Best practice and possible collaboration frameworks

Question 2: What are the implications of the use of new technical and political instruments on the free flow of information, access to information, and with respect for human rights?  Dialogue around this question is expected to embrace a wide range of issues including, inter alia, discussion of:

Access to content, new models, common challenges for old and new media

Low cost mobile access to the Internet 
Technical measures and use of intermediaries as instruments of law enforcement and intermediary safe harbors

Question 3: What are acceptable and proportionate measures that offer Intellectual Property protection, yet allow for and respect individual users’ freedom to express themselves, to access and share content/culture, and to innovate and create? Dialogue around this question is expected to embrace a wide range of issues including, inter alia, discussion of:

Measures to protect intellectual property in balance with incentives for creativity and innovation

Access to content, new models, common challenges and hybrid television

Legislative issues

Creativity and human rights

Innovation on the Internet

The networked individual and expanded power of freedom

Question 4: In what ways are new opportunities and challenges being created as the new Internet services and traditional media (such as broadcast TV and radio) are accessed through the ‘same screen’?  Dialogue around this question is expected to embrace a wide range of issues including, inter alia, discussion of:

Access to content, new models, common challenges and hybrid television

User generated content: reliability and responsibility

Low cost mobile access to the internet


Mr. Philip Verveer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Department of State, USA


Thomas Spiller, Vice President, Global Public Policy, Europe, Middle East and   Africa, The Walt Disney Company, WEOG (confirmed)

Ana Neves, Director of the Information Society Department at the Science and   Technology Foundation, Ministry of Education and Science in Portugal, WEOG (confirmed)

Izumi Aizu , Senior Research Fellow and Professor, Institute for InfoSocionomics, Tama University, Asia (confirmed)


Question 1: The role of Internet for Disaster reduction

Mr. Ko Fujii, Google Japan (confirmed)

Mr. Valens Riyadi, AirPuthi Foundation/APJII, Indonesia, Technical Community, Asia (confirmed)

Ambassador Daniel Stauffacher, ICT4Peace, Switzerland, [Civil Society, TBC] WEOG

Question 2 and 3 - Free flow o Information, Freedom of Expression, Human Rights, Balance with Intellectual Property rights

Mr. David Drummond, Chief Legal Officer, Google [Business, Confirmed]  WEOG

Mr. Scott Seitz, CEO of , Business, WEOG (Confirmed)

Mr. Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, Guatemala, Government, GRULAC (Confirmed)

Ms. Sabine Verheyen, Member of European Parliament, Germany, government, WEOG (confirmed)

Ambassador Daniel Stauffacher, ICT4Peace, Switzerland, [Civil Society, TBC] WEOG

Remote moderator

Valeria Betancourt, Association of Progressive Communications, NGO, GRULAC [TBC]

Feeder workshops

#92 The role of Internet-based services for the Disaster Communications

#146 Intellectual property rights and the freedom to share: are the
two compatible?
#138 Internet and human rights: shared values for sound policies.

#169 Internet Policy Infrastructure for Sustainable Internet Development: Lessons from Attempts at IP Enforcement




Managing Critical Internet Resources

Date: 7 November 2012

Time: 9.30 - 12.30

This main session will explore some of the issues pertaining to Critical Internet Resources, and associated Internet Governance policy frameworks.

Question 1: New gTLDs: How are governments and other actors reacting to the first round of applications? Which character strings have given rise to controversy among which actors, and why? Do names related to highly generic terms, geographical, or culturally sensitive words raise special concerns for the global community? How should ICANN respond to the concerns being expressed? What larger questions, if any, does this process raise for the governance of domain names?

Question 2: IPv4 markets and the transition to IPv6: because of the incompatibility of IPv6 and IPv4, networks that adopt v6 must continue to run IPv4. How long before we can shut off IPv4? Since about 1/3 of the IPv4 address space is currently unused, would an efficient transfer market allow the life of IPv4 to be extended for decades? IPv4 scarcity and transfer markets have raised questions about the RIR's "needs assessment" policies, should we do away these, or rather retain them prevent hoarding and  speculation? Could it be helpful to allow organizations holding surplus address blocks to lease them out to other users without formally transferring them? In order to keep IPv4 blocks available for smaller applicants, the RIRs have adopted a "last /8" policy that doles out one small chunk per applicant until the pool is gone. What are the benefits and risks of this policy?

Question 3: There has been much debate in recent months about some of the proposals that have been advanced for ITU's upcoming World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT), to be held in Dubai this December. Which of the various proposals for a revised International Telecommunications Regulations (ITR) treaty could directly impact the operation and use of the Internet, whether for better or worse? Would the adoption of such proposals render the ITRs a form of intergovernmental global Internet governance? To the extent that the proposals reflect serious concerns faced by nationstates and stakeholders around the world, are the proposed treaty provisions the best ways to address them, or may there be superior alternatives available?

Question 4: There has been much debate at both successive IGFs and in other international forums about the concept of Enhanced Cooperation that is set out in the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society. Some actors point out that enhanced cooperation is being actively pursued in multiple international bodies and processes concerned with global Internet governance. Other actors maintain that this work has not been sufficient with respect to enabling the establishment of international public policies for the Internet, and that some sort of additional new process or body may be needed. Which issues, if any, might require attention that they cannot receive within the existing institutional ecosystem? Where, if anywhere, should these items be taken up? Could the IGF provide the appropriate multistakeholder setting in which to pursue these issues?


Mr. Elchin Aliyev, President, “Sinam” Company, Azerbaijan


  • William J Drake, International Fellow and Lecturer, Media Change & Innovation Division,The Institute of Mass Communication and Media Research, the University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Chris Disspain, Chief Executive Officer of .au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA), Australia


  • Fiona Alexander, Associate Administrator (Head of Office) for the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s Office of International Affairs, Government of the United States of America
  • Franklin Netto, Head of the Division for the Information Society, Ministry of External Relations, Government of Brazil
  • Alice Munyua, Chair of the Kenya Internet Governance Steering Committee, Ministry of Information and Communications, Government of Kenya
  • Luigi Gambardella, Chairman Executive Board, European Telecommunications Network Operators, Belgium
  • David Gross, Partner at Wiley Rein, Chair of USCIB ICT Committee, and former Ambassador United States of America
  • Geoff Huston, Chief Scientist, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), Australia
  • Pedro Veiga, Pofessor of Computer Networks at University of Lisbon, and President of the Portuguese Foundation for National Scientific Computation, Portugal
  • Anriette Esterhuysen, Executive Director, Association for Progressive Communications, South Africa
  • Milton Mueller, Professor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies, and Partner, the Internet Governance Project, United States of America

Feeder workshops

WS 76: What is the best response to IPv4 scarcity? Exploring a global transfer market for IPv4 addresses (possible feeder for question 5)

WS 140: The International Telecommunication Regulations and Internet Governance: Multistakeholder Perspectives (possible feeder for question 4)



Security, Openness and Privacy

Date: 8 November 2012

Time: 15.00 - 18.00

This session will explore a wide range of issues relevant to and impacting security, privacy and openness of the Internet including as they relate to human rights and access to knowledge.

Question 1:What impact can security and governance issues have on the Internet and human rights?

Question 2: Freedom of expression and free flow of information: how do legal framework, regulations, and principles impact this?

Question 3: What risks can Internet fragmentation pose to security, privacy and openness?

Question 4: What impact does cloud computing have on concerns over cybersecurity and cybercrime?

Question 5: What risks do law enforcement, information suppression and surveillance have on security, privacy and openness and how can public and private sector cooperate to conform and observe human rights?

Question 6: What measures can be taken to ensure freedom of expression, access to knowledge and privacy, including for children?

a) What are challenges to protect freedom of expression online and what measures can be taken to better empower citizen’s access to information and participation in digital age?

b) "Net Etiquette” and the roles and responsibilities of users as they relate to openness, privacy security?

Question 7: What policies and practices that can assist in making the Internet an effective multi-stakeholder model to discuss national & regional issues and what best practices developing countries can benefit from.


Mr. Bakhtiyar Mammadov, Ministry of Communications and IT, Azerbaijan


• Jonathan Charles, Foreign Correspondent.


  • Zahid Jamil, Barrister-at-law (Confirmed)
  • Jonathan Zuck, President, Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) (Confirmed)
  • Eleonora Rabinovich, Director, Freedom of Expression program at the Association for Civil Rights (Asociación por los Derechos Civiles /ADC), Argentina (Confirmed)
  • Christopher Painter, Coordinator for Cyber Issues, US Department of State (Confirmed)
  • Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression. (Invited)
  • Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament and the Parliament’s Rapporteur for Digital Freedom Strategy (Confirmed)
  • Sherif Hashem,  Senior Cybersecurity Advisor to the Minister of Communication and Information Technology - Egypt (Confirmed)
  • Mr Carlton Samuels. Academia and Civil Society. Vice-Chair of the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) for ICANN (Confirmed)
  • Dr. Kirsty Hughes, CEO, Index on Censorship (Confirmed)

Remote moderator: Milan Vuckovic, Analyst Wireless Policy, Verizon Communications

Feeder workshops

Moderators to ask a specific question of the representatives of feeder workshops to get input from them.

Several themes were developed in order to categorise the feeder workshops:

1. Legal Frameworks

WS 50: Identity Governance on the Internet

WS 111: Protecting the rule of law in the online environment

WS: 185: Criminal law and the free and open Internet: tensions and way forward in democratic societies

WS: 172: Jurisdictional issues on civil and law enforcement access to cloud data

2. Economic Development

WS 77: Conflict in the Cloud - Policy Challenges for Stakeholders & Practical Solutions for Sustainable Economic Growth

3. Digital / Internet Freedom

WS 59: Internet privacy and freedom of expression: UNESCO launches a global survey on legal frameworks

WS 94: Social media, young people and freedom of expression

WS 128: Empowering Internet Users – which tools?

4. User & Norms of Behaviour

WS 96: The Internet of humans: online human behaviour and IG policy impacts

WS 97: Concepts of acceptable behaviour to protect and enhance trust

WS 110: Young People Combating Hate Speech On-line

5. Tech architecture: Cyber Security, Blocking/Filtering

WS 118: Law enforcement via domain name: Caveats to DNS neutrality



Access and Diversity

Date: 8 November 2012

Time: 9.30 - 12.30

This main session will explore a range of access and diversity issues with an emphasis on the social and economic development dimensions. The session will be interactive in nature and should not include any formal presentations.

Question 1: What are the policy challenges around free flow of information, freedom of expression and human rights and the Internet as they relate to access?

Question 2: What are the legal policy and regulatory choices including enabling environments that foster infrastructure investment, particularly for developing countries?

Question 3: How is the increased demand for more bandwidth, lower costs of Internet access and revenue shifts affecting investment in broadband infrastructure and access networks?

Question 4: What challenges do filtering; blocking aand the diversity of national legal frameworks more generally pose to ensuring access and diversity?

Question 5: Innovation and opportunities in spectrum technology and allocation---implications for access including mobile?

Question 6: How can women be empowered in all dimensions of their life through access to the Internet and information?

Question 7: How do language barriers impact access to the Internet?

Question 8: What opportunities and challenges are presented by multilingualism?

Question 9: Mobile access: what it takes to create opportunities for entrepreneurs, youth and developing country stakeholders?

Question clusters

A)        Questions 1,4: Free flow of information

B)        Questions 2,3: Infrastructure

C)        Questions 5,9: Mobile and innovation

D)        Question 6: Women’s empowerment

E)        Questions 7,8: Multilingualism


Ms. Gulsel Safarova, Chairwoman, “AGAT” NGO


Ms Ory Okolloh,  Manager, Policy and Government Relations, Google Africa (confirmed)

Ms Karen Rose,  Senior Director of Strategic Development and Business Planning, Internet Society (confirmed)


Mr. Bitange Ndemo, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communcations, Republic of Kenya

Mr. Tarek Kamel, Senior Advisor to the President of ICANN  and former Minister of CIT, Egypt (Internet technical community, confirmed)

Mr. Janis Karklins, Assistant Director-General for UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector (IGO, confirmed)

Ms. Jac sm Kee, Malaysia, Women's Rights Advocacy Coordinator, Women's Networking Support Programme, APC (civil society, confirmed)

Mr. Peter Major, Co-ordinator, Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (confirmed)

Mr. Cecil McCain, Director of Post and Telecommunications of Jamaica (government, invited TBC)

Ms. Jacquelynn Ruff, Vice President, International Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Verizon Communications (Private sector, confirmed)

Mr. Russel Southwood, Chief Executive of Balancing Act, a consultancy and online publishing company specialising in telecoms, internet and broadcasting in Africa (business, confirmed)


Lead discussant

Mr. Satish Babu, Director, International Centre for Free and Open Source Software  (ICFOSS), India (government, confirmed)

Remote lead discussants

Ms. Sheba Mohamid, Policy Analyst, Trinidad and Tobago (civil society, confirmed)

Mr Ermanno Pietrosemoli, Telecommunications/ICT for Development Laboratory (T/ICT4D), Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (civil society, confirmed)

Remote moderators

Ms Raquel Gatto, Member of the IGF Remote Participation Working Group, Director at Internet Society Brazil Chapter (confirmed)

Ms Claudia Selli, Director European Affairs, AT&T (confirmed)


Feeder workshops

WS 91: Technology, Economic and Societal Opportunities and Women

WS 157: Is access to the Internet a human right?

WS 57: Broadband access and consumer rights

WS 130: Digital Inclusion and Public Access to the Internet: What Policymakers Need and how Libraries and Other Community Services can Deliver

Taking stock and the way forward

Date: 9 November 2012

Time: 9.00 - 12.00

Structure: The main session will be divided into three Parts and will involve six moderators in total. Moderators will not give formal presentations but instead set the stage of the discussion and involve all participants for an interactive and constructive debate. For each Part, we will ask several individuals to prepare in advance short statements and questions from the floor to help kick-start the discussion (see details and timeline below).

The main session’s moderator (Peter Major, Hungary) and coordinator (Constance Bommelaer, ISOC) will ensure smooth transition between the different parts of the session and assist moderators in rolling out the session (only if necessary).


Mr. Yashar Hajiyev, Azerbaijan



9:00 – 9:05:  Chair’s (Yashar Hajiyev) formal opening

9:05 – 9:10: Constance Bommelaer (ISOC) Introduction, structure of the main session “Taking Stock and The Way Forward”

Part 1: Synthesis of the entire IGF.


Bertrand de La Chappelle (ICANN)

Qusai Al Shatti (Kuweit)


-       Highlights from the overall Forum. Summary of the discussions and “messages from the IGF”.

-       Messages from the “IGF Cloud”: A short presentation of what happened in the cloud (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) will also be made. DiploFoundation (Vladimir Radunovic) will work with IGF fellows and ISOC ambassadors to exploit tags/messages (Note: These messages will be put in perspective, as reflecting personal opinions which can be considered for the final conclusions of the IGF, but not necessarily as constituting agreed messages coming out of each main session).


-       9:10 – 9:35: Bertrand de La Chappelle introduce the discussion and invite other Main Session Moderators to stand up and report on discussions and messages:

1.  Emerging Issues (Jeanette Hofmann)

2.  Internet Governance for Development (IG4D) (TBD)

3.  Access and Diversity (Karen Rose)

4. Security, Openness and Privacy (SOP) (Alejandro Pisanti)

5.  Critical Internet Resources (CIR) (William Drake)

6.  Messages from remote participation and from the “IGF Cloud” (Vladimir Radunovic)

-       9:35 – 9:55: Qusai Al Shatti invites the floor to present their own takeaways from the IGF, Q&A with all Main Session Moderators

-        9:55 – 10:00: Qusai Al Shatti concludes the “Synthesis of the entire IGF

Part 2: Discussion on Principles and Frameworks for the IGF.


Nermine El-Saadany (Egypt)

Anne Carblanc (OECD)

Issues discussed:

-       Discussion on principles and frameworks: to what extend do the recent initiatives to set principles (OECD principles, UNESCO Code of Ethics, CoE, NATO cyber-security, China-Russia-Uzbekistan, Brazil, etc.) lead to harmonized Internet governance principles?

-       Can these principles be compiled? What is their impact on the WSIS+10 discussions?

-       How can the IGF be used as a platform to discuss these principles, in light of the synthesis of the IGF 2012 (cf. part 1 of the main session “Taking Stock”) (cf. feeder workshops n° 145 and 85)?

-       How did IGF workshops address WCIT issues? What topics should future IGFs tackle?


-       10:00 – 10:10:  Anne Carblanc introduces the discussion and give a brief overview of the different set of principles

-       10:10 – 10:25:  Anne Carblanc invites Wolfgang Kleinwaechter (University of Aarhus) to synthesize the principles and interested stakeholders to comment, e.g. UNESCO (Guy Berger), Brazil (Virgilio Almeida, tbc), Russia (need to identify), the Council of Europe (Elvana Thaci), etc. as well as the floor - Q&A. The discussion may also relate to the Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values or WCIT.

-       10:25 – 10:40:  Nermine El-Saadany gives a brief overview of the issues relating to the future of the IGF and its role in addressing IG principles. She invites moderators of workshop feeders, Izumi Aizu (n° 85: Quo Vadis IGF – or Evolution of IGF) and Carlos Alfonso Pereira de Souza (n°145 Threats to multi-stakeholder Internet governance – is it worth protecting?:), to stand up and comment.

-       10:40 – 10:55:  Nermine El-Saadany invites the floor to intervene, Q&A

-       10:55 – 11:00:  Nermine El-Saadany concludes the discussion on “Principles and Frameworks for the IGF

Part 3: What is the Way Forward?


Avri Doria (Civil Society)

Vint Cerf (Google)

Issues discussed:

-       What is “the way forward” for the global Internet community and for the IGF?

-       What is the future of the IGF? How to implement the recommendations of the CSTD Working Group on improvements to the IGF? A possible role for the MAG?

-       Looking ahead: Possible impact of upcoming ECOSOC and GA meetings on the Internet governance landscape and on the IGF?

-       What to expect from WSIS+10?


11:00 – 11:15:  Avri Doria and/or (TBD) Vint Cerf, in light of the morning’s discussions, expose their “way forward”

11:15 – 11:35:  Avri Doria and/or (TBD) Vint Cerf invite other facilitators (Bertrand de La Chapelle, Qusai Al Shatti, Anne Carblanc and Nermine El-Saadany) to come back and expose their “way forward”

11:35 – 11:55:  Avri Doria and/or (TBD) Vint Cerf invite the floor to comment and propose and “way forward”, Q&A

11:55 – 12:00:  Avri Doria and/or (TBD) Vint Cerf conclude the discussion on “What is the way forward?”