Kivuva Mwendwa (Mr), ISACA - Certified Information Systems Auditor, Kenya

Stakeholder Group: Technical Community

Region: Africa


I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science, CISA, and CCNA certifications, and currentlt pursuing my Masters of Science in Information Systems at the University of Narobi. I am a Technical Information Technology Infrastructure Manager at The University of Nairobi since 2007. I've Participate in many local IGF Forums, AfriNIC and Kenya Network Information Center activities since 2006.
I have a passion for the Internet, and its governance. I have a keen interest in Africa's Internet policy development and thus the main reason I would like increase my participation in IGF activities. I have participated in discussions for several internet related policy meetings.
My objective is to promote the role of ICT in community development.
I have close to ten years of Information Technology and administrative experience starting with teaching educators and public sector official’s basic computer application packages, working on community based Information Technology projects as well as providing corporate training for large enterprises in Kenya.
My areas of expertise include ICT Policy advocacy, community based ICT for developement work and institutional leadership with emphasis on strategy developement and multicountry stakeholder and coalition developement.
My ICT4D work is anchored around the role of the Internet as a tool for Social and economic developement focusing on Internet governance, public ICT policy, the right and access to communication and Information for all. I would also like to advocate and spearhead increased uptake of IPV6 in the African region, with the uptake of IPV6 being very low