Day 2 – 23 October
9:30 – 10:45 (90 Minutes) - Focus Session: Internet Governance Principles
The aim of the plenary is:
a. to give on overview about key projects on Internet Governance Principles which has been developed and adopted by various governmental and non-governmental groups in the previous three years and to get an update from the various sponsors about future plans,
b. to identify areas of similarities, overlapping, consensus, differences and disagreements with regard to the principles defined in the various projects,
c. to discuss options how to move forward towards a common "Multistakeholder Framework of Commitments on Principles for Internet Governance Policy Making" based on the existing initiatives and projects
Among the 25+ existing instruments, adopted by various groups of governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, we have identified the following eight groups as key projects.
OECD (Principles for Policy Making):
Council of Europe (Declaration on Internet Governance Principles)
Shanghai Group (Proposal for a Cybersecurity Convention in the UN)
IBSA Group (previous and new initiatives in the UN General Assembly)
IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles (Expert Group)
Association for Progressive Communication (Civil Society)
Global Network Initiative (Private Sector)
I*-Organizations (Technical Community)
One resource person from each of the eight projects will give an update which describes:
a. the purpose,
b. the main content/key principles and
c. the plans to move forward.
Resource Persons:
Governmental Stakeholders:
Anne Cablanc, OECD
Jan Malinowski, Council of Europe
Benedicto Fonseca, Brazilian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Igor Milashevsky, Adviser to the Russian Ministry of Telecommunications and Mass Media.
Non-Governmental Stakeholders:
Marianne Franklin, IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles (IRP)
Anriette Esterhuysen, Association for Progressive Communication (APC)
Lynn St. Amour, President, Internet Society (ISOC)
Max Senges, Google Germany / Global Network Initiative (GNI)
Host Country Chair: Professor Zainal A. Hasibuan Ph.D. (Deputy Chief of Indonesian National Information and Communication Technology Council).
Alice Munyua, Kenia Telecommunication Authority
Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus
Remote Moderator:
Paul Fehlinger, Internet & Jurisdiction Project
Avri Doria, Independent Consultant
Session Note:
On Day 1 there will be a plenary on the role of governments in multistakeholder Internet Governance, organized by the Brazilian government, this plenary on IG Principles is followed by another plenary on Principles for Multistakeholder Cooperation. All three sessions are interlinked.
The first plenary will specify the role of governments as a key stakeholder in the multistakeholder IG model. The IG Principles plenary concentrates on frameworks and principles and will find out how governmental and non-governmental stakeholder can agree on basic issues. The plenary on multistakeholder Principles will take this one step further and will look into procedures for the interaction of the various stakeholders based on general principles and frameworks.
All the three sessions can be also seen as a continuation of the debate which started at the 6th IGF in Nairobi in 2011, continued at the 7th IGF in Baku and which was recently further pushed forward by the Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who proposed at the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York (September 24, 2013) "the establishment of a civilian multilateral framework for the governance and use of the Internet".
Tentative Schedule:
9.30 - 9.35: Introduction by the moderators
9.35 - 10.00: The invited eight groups get 3 minutes each to present their project
10.00 - 10.15: Open Mic.
10.15 - 10.40: The invited groups get 3 minutes each to position themselves to the proposal to move towards a "Multistakeholder Framework of Commitments on Principles for Internet Governance Policy Making"
10.40 - 10.55: Open Mic.
10.55 - 11.00: Concluding Remarks