Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
- Organisation
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
- Open Forum Title
ICANN Open Forum
- Description
The ICANN Open Forum aims to update participants on progress ICANN has made in key areas of its work since last year’s IGF in Istanbul. This is an interactive session where the ICANN President and CEO, the Chairman of the Board, as well as other senior ICANN members will have the opportunity to engage in an open dialogue with participants and exchange views with them on the various developments underway.
The Forum is also an opportunity for ICANN to expand beyond its regular community and reach out to new audience. Anyone with interest in what ICANN does is welcome to attend.
- Speakers
Fadi Chehade, ICANN President and CEO
Steve Crocker, ICANN Chairman of the Board