Main Hall - 9:30-12:30 (3 Hours) - Focus Session (Access/Diversity): Internet as an engine for growth and sustainable development
The World Summit for the Information Society (“WSIS”) is 10 years old in 2015. The UN General Assembly (“UNGA”) is deciding how to review WSIS follow-up to date and then what the next 10 years of WSIS follow-up will look like.
2015 is also the 10-year review of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (“MDGs”) process. Given this confluence, how will the next 10 years of WSIS ‘connect’ to the next 10 years of the MDGs?
This session will explore how to answer this major question two days after the UNGA discusses it, in three parts, with ample time for comments and questions from the audience in each segment. Part two will highlight practical examples of how technology has been used to improve access and diversity.
What are the Millennium Development Goals and how do they relate to WSIS?
Session Chair:
Janis Karklins, Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO, Paris, France
- ●Gordon Manuain, Office of President's Special Envoy on Millennium Development Goals, Jakarta, Indonesia
- ●Jan-Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Policy Adviser on Governance, Stakeholder Forum, London, UK
- ●Felix Dodds, Consultant on Sustainable Development and Associate Fellow, Tellus Institute, New York, United States (remote)
Discussion Coordination:
Nick Ashton-Hart, Executive Director, International Digital Economy Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland
This 45 minute segment will consist of a 20 minute panel discussion and 25 minutes of open debate.
ICTs and Development in the Real World: Concrete experiences of how Internet Governance has impacted development
Robert Pepper, Vice President, Global Technology Policy, Cisco, Washington D.C., United States
- ●Maarten Botterman, Chairman of the Board, Public Interest Registry, Reston VA, United States
- ●Farid Maruf, Country Director Indonesia, Grameen Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia
- ●Jorge Abin De María, Plan Ceibal, AGESIC, Uruguay
Discussion Coordination
Nick Ashton-Hart, Executive Director, International Digital Economy Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland
This 45 minute segment will consist of a 15 minute panel discussion and 30 minutes of open debate where members of the audience will be encouraged to share the lessons learned from their own experiences and discuss how they could be applied to other situations.
How can WSIS’ Next 10 Years Better Support Sustainable Development?
Nick Ashton-Hart, Executive Director, International Digital Economy Alliance, Geneva, Switzerland
Jan-Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Policy Adviser on Governance, Stakeholder Forum, London, UK (remote)
Discussion Facilitators:
- ●Patrick Ryan, Public Policy & Government Relations Senior Counsel for Free Expression and International Relations, Google, Mountain View, CA, United States
- ●Gordon Manuain, Office of President's Special Envoy on Millennium Development Goals, Jakarta, Indonesia
- ●Jan-Gustav Strandenaes, Senior Policy Adviser on Governance, Stakeholder Forum, London, UK
- ●Felix Dodds, Consultant on Sustainable Development and Associate Fellow, Tellus Institute, New York, United States (remote)
- ●Farid Maruf, Country Director Indonesia, Grameen Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesia
Mind Mapping:
Cedric Wachholz, UNESCO, Paris France
This 80 minute segment is dedicated to the attendees. Discussion facilitators will provide food for thought in the form of questions while roaming throughout the audience with microphones, creating a dynamic and very interactive discussion of ideas on the way forward. Ideas and proposals will be captured by Cedric Wachholz of UNESCO on a whiteboard. A document will be posted shortly with some food for thought and will also be made available in the room.
The Way Forward
The moderators of the three segments, along with Cedric, will recap the main themes and ideas from the session, with suggestions of where and how these outcomes could be used.
Click here for the PDF document: Ideas for connecting WSIS Follow-up with the MDG/SDG Process