IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #102 The International Legal Dimension of ICTs

    Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (02:30 UTC) - Wednesday, 11th October, 2023 (03:00 UTC)
    SC – Room H

    Cybersecurity, Cybercrime & Online Safety
    Cyberattacks, Cyberconflicts and International Security

    Daria Stepovaya - the head of Research department at the International Information Security School and PhD student at Moscow State University.

    Andrey Aleinikov – is a public relations specialist at a Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ and the chairman of the Coordination Center Youth Council. 

    Alim Khapov is a project manager of the Center for Global IT-Cooperation. Since 2022, he has been a member of the ITU Youth Group in the CIS region.


    1. Nanbaan Pwaspo -onsite– is a CyberSecurity Professional from Nigeria. She is also a 2023 ISOC Youth Ambassador She works as a digital security associate at Resilience Technologies, where she specializes in civil society and the threat landscape in Africa. Her work involves assessing organizations’ security needs and providing customized solutions to protect them against cyber-attacks. She also offers training and guidance to journalists, human rights defenders, and other at-risk groups on how to stay safe online and is also a strong advocate for online privacy and security. She is the manager of the CyberLearners Community, a Cybersafe Foundation initiative focused on closing the gender gap in the tech field by providing young ladies with excellent support, resources, and information on how to excel in cybersecurity.

    2. Arevik Martirosyan - online - is a PhD candidate and researcher at the Institute of Contemporary International Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Head of International Information Security School, accredited at UN Open Ended Working Group on ICT . She is also a Youth IGF Ambassador 2022 and NetMission Ambassador 2022-23. Besides, she has conducted more than 40 public lectures on various subjects within the Information Security and Internet Governance theme and is an author of scientific research papers and “Formation of Cyberspace Security System” monography.

    3. James Amattey - online - is a technology expert approaching a decade of experience working in the design, development, launch, and growth of internet-based software products across industries such as education, telecommunications, finance, and media. He is an alumni of the West African School on Internet Governance. For the next phase of his career, James wants to learn from the required policies and frameworks required to develop and shape technology aroun d mobility and smart cities, with a focus on using a data-centric approach to improve the performance of public transport solutions. He is currently working on a paper exploring the intersection of mobility and AI governance in Africa.

    4. Laura Pereira - onsite - holds a Master's Degree in Social Sciences and is currently a researcher from Brazil. She has previously worked at Digital Rights NGOs and is currently a researcher at the School of Communication at Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV ECMI). Applying approaches from Political Science and Political Theory, she has experience analyzing the political impacts of new forms of communication while also studying regulations and guidelines for ICTs from an Internet Governance point of view. She is a tutor at 2023 Youth Brazil for IGF and is an alumna of the Brazilian School of Internet Governance (2022) and South School of Internet Governance (2023)

    Onsite Moderator
    Alim Khapov
    Online Moderator
    Andrey Aleinikov
    Daria Stepovaya


    Targets: 17.6 is relevant as it facilitates North-South cooperation due to the different regions of the speakers and improves knowledge sharing through better coordination. 17.14 as the discussion of the topic will eventually lead to policy coherence. 16.3, as even a discussion of the topic will influence the promotion of the rule of law at different levels. Last but not least, 4.4. because the meeting will be organised and led by the youth representatives, thus enabling them to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and to promote their expertise.


    Presentation on the conference outcomes / research work, with the active discussion afterwards.

    Duration (minutes)

    The session will focus on the presentation of the session of the First International Youth Conference on Information Security, organized by the International Information Security School, and its outcomes by Arevik Martirosyan. The speakers will state their views and perspectives on the talk abstracts. Subsequently, the discussion among the participants will be moderated.

    At the start of the session, the moderator will state the opening remarks. The speaker will then take the floor to establish and stress the theme of the discussion. Then, the moderator will promote discussion between the participants, both online and on-site. Finally, the moderator will summarize all that has been said and will wrap it up. After the session, the participants will be asked to fill in the Google form with their opinions about the session and their additional comments on the stated topic; therefore, further research could be conducted.

    Key Takeaways (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The legal aspects of ICT are only debated on the political level and not on the technical level.
    There is no mechanism for cooperation at the multistakeholder level that disputes this agenda.
    Call to Action (* deadline at the end of the session day)
    The unilateral standards need to be developed.
    The discussion on the development of a universal legally binding document needs to be continued.
    Session Report (* deadline 9 January) - click on the ? symbol for instructions

    The final session was mainly focused on the effective application of international law in the telematics and ICT dimension. Due to the difference in the opinion on how the existing international laws need to be applied in cyberspace and if there is a need for the development of a legally binding international mechanism, the session speaker looked into this aspect through the lens of different regions of the world.It was noted that the discussion on this matter should certainly be continued. The problem is that the legal mechanisms never catch up with the latest technology. So the governments need to advance in the development of the appropriate legal dimension that, without doubt, will cover the 4th dimension.