Organizer 1: lovensky leon, CLEFGenius
Organizer 2: Kindy Vereus Montreuil , Centre d'Innovation Technologique et d'Entrepreneuriat ( CITE)
Organizer 3: El-Hoïma Kedassa BARTHÉLUS , ISOC Chapter Haiti
Organizer 4: Héwing Gérald Dorvelus , Youth IGF Haiti
Speaker 1: Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Technical Community, African Group
Speaker 2: casteline Tilus, Private Sector, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Speaker 3: Antoine Vergne, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
lovensky leon, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Kindy Vereus Montreuil , Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Héwing Gérald Dorvelus , Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Birds of a Feather - Classroom - 60 Min
Data governance and trust, globally and locally: What is needed to ensure that existing and future national and international data governance frameworks are effective in mandating the responsible and trustworthy use of data, with respect for privacy and other human rights?
Protecting consumer rights: What regulatory approaches are/could be effective in upholding consumer rights, offering adequate remedies for rights violations, and eliminating unfair and deceptive practices from the part of Internet companies?
Additional Policy Questions Information: Best Process to promote open data culture for better data-driven decision: What are the most efficient and necessary steps to promote open data culture within national stakeholders(private and publics) ecosystem in keeping and improving data privacy protection.
Ongoing challenges and gaps in support for open data
Despite significant progress by governments at multiple levels embracing open data policies
and portals, substantial challenges remain to be solved before open data can be widely applied
to support development. From the available body of research, some of the ongoing gaps
and challenges which have been identified by the World Wide Web Foundation, Open Data
Research Network and the Open Data Institute, particularly for developing countries, include:75
1. A weak enabling environment. Low connectivity, scarce technical skills, weak legal frameworks and political barriers can limit effective implementation of open data
2. Poor quality, not necessarily poor quantity, of data. The low quality of published data can often inhibit use of open data platforms and related applications
3. A mismatch between the demand for open data, and the availability of appropriate
datasets. Often the datasets released are those that are easiest to publish, not those most in demand by data users
4. A ‘digital divide’ between rich and poor, affecting both the supply and use of data.
5. A lack of quantifiable data and metrics. The MDG framework and global development
practice generally has sometimes found it difficult to establish accountability
Targets: While open data can be used to benefit many sectors, this report identifies three where it could have a significant impact in the next development agenda and beyond.
Open data can: i) more effectively target aid money and improve development programs, ii) track development progress and prevent corruption, and iii) contribute to innovation,job creation and economic growth.
With more specific example:
Open data can make an impact across the globe. Its role in combating development challenges
of the next 15 years, both as a tool for measuring progress and in finding solutions, is becoming more clear. As this paper will show, open data has been used to help plan smarter cities in Rio de Janeiro, streamline emergency response in the Philippines, map the Ebola outbreak to save lives in West Africa and help parents to assess school performance in Tanzania. Open data can also bring significant economic benefits: it could be used worldwide to generate between US$720-920bn in digital transport applications,1 and US$150–270bn in geospatial technology.
Open data means providing unrestricted data to everyone. There is a lot of data within the public sector and within science that are not as useful to benefit society as they could be if they were available to anyone at all. As one example, if we wish to understand the elements of the integrated system that is the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, and biosphere, the way those elements interact and how they have changed with time, it is necessary to be able to collect and analyze environmental data from all parts of the world and from many sources. In the public sector in recent years, many state and local governments have put effort into open data projects that would inspire developers to create apps and find ways to use public data to bring value to their communities. (It should be noted that the open data movement is not about getting data that people value as private and sharing them.)
The impact of open data and technology-enabled transparency does not lie solely in the economic sphere. Government
openness produces tremendous other benefits for our societies through increasing state or institutional responsiveness,
reducing levels of corruption, building new democratic spaces for citizens, empowering local and disadvantaged voices
or enhancing service delivery and effective service utilization. However, proof on the social and political impact of open
data initiatives is incredibly scarce. This session intends to tackle some of the methodological challenges through building evidence base that can empower further generalizations in the open government field; as well as developing a
methodological framework to unpack theories of change and to evaluate the social impact of open data and digital
transparency initiatives.
The main outcome is to design a great framework already experienced effective processes to enhance the culture of open data in the least developed or in developing countries.
Usage of IGF Official Tool. Additional Tools proposed: MIRO: An Online Visual Collaboration Platform for Teamwork: