IGF 2021 Pre-Events

Below is the list of accepted IGF 2021 Day-0 pre-events, following the clearance process of all received proposals.

Samsung Electronics Polska Sp. z o.o Solve for Tomorrow cafe - YIGF all-day networking zone
Wish Will Way Foundation You are Your profile (YaYp) - (not only) youth workshop 
Samsung Digital wellbeing - a fad or a real need for every generation?
Museum of Communication, Bern Are we all e-wasted? Sustainable Dialogue in the Museum of Communication in Bern. Visit and Podium.
YouthIGF Global Youth IGF Summit
Kaspersky Cyber Stability Game: Learning the Complexities of Technical Attribution
IGF Secretariat HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL: Global economic recovery – where are we at?
Institute for Internet & the Just Society, Berlin Constitutionalising the Digital Frontier: Past, Present, and Future
IGF Secretariat HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL on creating sustainable value and inclusive society – the role of digital platforms
Mission Publiques Internet governance, with and for the citizens 
Data Privacy Brasil Research Association The Rising of Techno Authoritarianism: when the employment of technology is an enablers of Human Rights Abuses
GigaNet GigaNet Annual Symposium 2021
Africa ICT Alliance Driving the Digital Potential of Africa

International Federation for Information Processing

IFIP 60th Anniversary: Future of Information Processing

IGF Secretariat HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL on Cities United: connected, green and secure
ECHAlliance – European Connected Health Alliance Are we shaping the digital market to all citizens? 
CTS-FGV Internet Commons Forum 
Rwenzo Green Associates Ltd. Internet Governance Challenges in Crisis Periods
Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, safety and security Closing the gap between the theory of digital security and the practice of insecurity 
LT ISOC China Internet Society of China 
IGF Secretariat HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL on technology portfolio: investment opportunities vs. corporate digital responsibility
UNESCO Advancing Internet Universality ROAM principles AND Indicators (IUIs) for the Internet United
UNESCO Ensuring Diversity in the AI World
Microsoft and NetMission Youth Perspectives on Digital Civility 
Open Earth Foundation The Key Role of Internet Governance in Building a Global Climate Accounting System 
IGF Secretariat HIGH LEVEL EXCHANGE PANEL on building competences for future technologies
ICANN Youth IGF: Tutorial on the DNS Root 
Korea Internet & Security Agency - KISA APAC Collaborative Governance for Better Connectivity
Just Net Coalition Digital policy making from below -- Ask the impacted sectors first
IGF Secretariat in collaboration with Microsoft ''Our Digital Future'' - Addressing Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity
Capacity development workshop
Internet Governance Caucus Civil Society Pre-event: Internet Governance in times of Crisis 
Polylat Polylateralism and Geneva: how communities shape Internet Governance 
ISOC Internet Society’s Collaborative Leadership Exchange
Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms A Global tour of Feminist AI: Who is coding it and deploying it?
*open to participants registered with CLDP Commercial Law Development Program - Pre-Conference Seminar for CLDP Supported Participants 
Emerging Youth Initiative Our Internet Voices: Designing Inclusive Spaces
The Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong Technological assistance emphasis on teenagers during the pandemic — is it fair to distribute resources in such a way? 
Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms We are coding feminist AI in the Global South! 
Research Association Data Privacy Brasil Police, law enforcement and data protection: regulating investigations for procedural justice and as a fundamental human rights 
MyData Global Digital identity for gender equality and data justice - collection of practices for policy making
GEODE Bringing practical tools to the global community to secure ICT supply chains 
National Cyber Security Centre - NCSC Internet in 10 years from now – where is it going? Let’s check together!
Council for Dialogue with the Young Generation Gaming and e-sports as a new economic branch of Industry 4.0
Council for Dialogue with the Young Generation Freedom of speech on the Internet - what does it mean for young people?
Polish Confederation Lewiatan Business-academia collaboration. New skills gateway and innovation nest
Microsoft Poland Natural Ecosystems Around the Globe
Office of Competition and Consumer Protection – UOKiK Digitalisation through the use of artificial intelligence in public administration
EY POLAND Keep Our Children Safe in The Digital World
National Institute for Museums and Public Collections Museums in virtual space - education, dissemination and audiences for museums' online offer
IBM Polska sp zoo Cross-sectoral cooperation for digital inclusion
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences Ocean of Changes
Virtual Chair of Ethics and Law The Future of the Law of Internet and New Technologies – International Research Group recommendations to the IGF
Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers - ZPP Making smart cities happen – navigating through the web of paradoxes
The Kosciuszko Institute Association Global Alliance for a Values-Based Digital World
Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland - KPRM How to govern decentralized digital public goods? Blockchains between innovation and regulation
Polish Economic Institute Do we know how much our data is worth?
Centre for International Relations AI in the public service: combating disinformation and fighting with the pandemic
The Kosciuszko Institute Association Global Road(s) to Digital Sovereignty
GovTech Centre - Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland Social and ethical perspectives of using of Artificial Intelligence
Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers - ZPP In the search of a golden mean – different perspectives on the regulation of digital markets
Academy of Justice - SWWS Internet - safety and development of children and young people - educational, social and legal consequences
Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Poland Cyber secure cities of the future
NASK National Research Institute, Poland Cybersecurity and Crisis Management– combining cyber and kinetic threats. Best practices.
NASK National Research Institute, Poland The importance and challenges of medical data privacy protection in the era of fourth industrial revolution - fully online
IAB Poland Taxation of the digital economy - current challenges
National Centre for Research and Development – NCBiR Digital future? Perspectives for Poland in an international context
CloudFerro Earth Observation satellite data to power digital economy
YIGF Poland YIGF - working session
Warsaw University of Technology Quantum Technologies in Poland: Quantum infrastructure, Quantum Computing and Quantum cryptography
AI LAW TECH Foundation Living in the dark or in the desert? Will new technologies prevent an energy crisis?
University of Lodz Intelligent Technology Mixer Centre Internet of behavior – new way of thinking? - fully online
ITU Partner2Connect Digital Coalition

Partner2Connect Digital Coalition: Connecting people everywhere

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Programme of Action (PoA) for advancing responsible state behaviour in cyberspace – why do we need it?

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Transatlantic relations in cyber and digital affaires
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland and University of Łódź

The future of global Internet governance – same goal, different perceptions?

IGF 2021 Ceremonial Music Concert
IGF 2021 Cocktail Reception