IGF 2021 NRIs Collaborative Session: Smart local solutions to connect everyone

    Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (14:15 UTC) - Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (15:15 UTC)
    Hall A3
    About this Session
    NRI collaborative session

    Information and communications technology (ICT) has made widespread digital literacy important and urgent. The wide gap between those who have easy access to the internet and those who do not, popularly known as the “digital divide”, means that universal access is more important than ever. As the internet becomes increasingly embedded in the lives of individuals, communities and commerce, it is of paramount importance that everybody is connected, and that everybody understands the digital language. Digital Inclusion is a method of addressing issues related to digital literacy and access to ICT. One definition of digital inclusion, per The Institute of Museum and Library Services, is “the ability of individuals and groups to access and use information and communications technologies.”

    Digital inclusion is a practical, policy-driven approach that addresses the needs of individuals and communities as a whole, with a significant impetus placed on connecting rural communities. It encompasses not only access to the Internet but the availability of hardware, software, digital content and services, and maybe most importantly, training for the digital literacy skills required for effective use of information and communication technologies. Digital inclusion is a blueprint for addressing and guiding the readiness of communities to fully embrace the digital age. 

    Hybrid Format  
    60-minutes interactive roundtable discussion with introductory remarks and open floor for questions and answers.

    Expected Outcomes 
    Understanding specific challenges and examples of good practices on local levels.

    Discussion Facilitation
    The moderator will follow the agreed set of policy and will allow for introductory, case study remarks by the NRIs speakers. This will be followed by engaging other present participants into developing an interactive discussion.

    Online participation
    A dedicated support moderator will be placed next to the session moderator to support engagement of participants through chat. All participants will use the online speaking queue to be treated equally in their requests for interventions. All input presentations will be made available at the IGF website and links will be shared via the online tool.


    • Tanzania IGF, Nazarius Nicholas Kirama
    • Ghana IGF, Wisdom Donkor
    • Côte d'Ivoire IGF, Salyou Funny
    • Cameroon IGF, Michel TCHONANG LINZE
    • Afghanistan IGF, Abdul Ghayoor Bawary
    • Colombia IGF, Julián Casasbuenas G.
    • Haiti IGF, Obed Sindy
    • IGF-USA, Dustin Loup
    • France IGF, Lucien Castex
    • Moldova IGF, Alexei Marciuc


    • Tanzania IGF, Ms. Catherine Kimambo, Coordinator,  Basic Internet Foundation (onsite)
    • Ghana IGF, Hon. Samuel Natey George, Member of the national Parliament, Republic of Ghana (onsite)
    • Côte d'Ivoire IGF, Ms. Gertrude Kone Kouassi,Executive Director, National Union of Telecommunications Companies, (onsite)
    • Cameroon IGF,  Ms. Lydienne NTOGUE, Ministry of Post and Telecommunication, (onsite)
    • Haiti IGF, Stephanie Joseph, Chair, ISOC HAITI (online)
    • Moldova IGF, Ms. Galina Climov, Executive director, Alliance of Organizations of People with Disabilities, Republic of Moldova, (online)
    • Colombia IGF, Julián Casasbuenas G. (onsite)

    Moderator: Ms. Jane Coffin (online)
    Rapporteur: Lily Edinam Botyoe, Ghana IGF / Ghana Youth IGF Coordinator (onsite); and Ines Hfaiedh, Tunisia IGF (onsite)

    Connection to SDGs:

    Key Takeaways (* deadline 2 hours after session)
    The Global I* Community should foster multi-stakeholder alliances and partnerships for efficient connectivity and accessibility strategies’ implementation by identifying and tackling structural barriers to connectivity especially in rural areas, collaborating with the government and its local branches in the advancement of policies and reforms, and diversifying connectivity resource allocation by understanding the social and infrastructural needs
    The government should provide connectivity to the majority of people by finding solutions to the excessive taxation while developing sustainable energies in a bottom-up strategy focusing on citizens’ priorities.
    Call to Action (* deadline 2 hours after session)
    - Government should encourage behavioural change and online trust while improving existing traditional infrastructures to deliver community needs in an affordable and safe way and strengthening people’s capacities, skills and educational connectivity. - A multi-stakeholder approach involving public-private and institutional partnerships with a focus on incarcerated people and people with disabilities is needed for Digital Inclusion through develo
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed


    3. Key Takeaways
