Organizer 1: Dorota Hawliczek, Creative Poland Association
Speaker 1: Paula Rossa, Intergovernmental Organization, Eastern European Group
Speaker 2: Dorota Hawliczek, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
Speaker 3: Anna Klimczak, Civil Society, Eastern European Group
Debate - Auditorium - 60 Min
3) Digital Safety to enable a healthy and empowering digital environment for all How can a digital environment be created that enables sustainable growth of creative industries, especially during the crisis caused by the COVID pandemic while ensuring freedom of expression, respect for human rights and rules of fair play?
Digital culture and exploitation of creative works on the Internet Crisis of cretive industries due to the COVID pandemic Internet platforms and filtering of illegal content Rules of fair play - safe Internet and sustainable growth of creative industries
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
GOAL 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
Workshop concerns the forced migration of culture to the internet caused by the COVID pandemic and the lack or limited possibilities of creative activity outside the digital environment leading to a crisis in the creative industry. Due to the fact that artists cannot have direct contact with the audience, the consumption of digital works is increasing. Lack of appropriate legal means causes a disproportion of income generated by internet platforms for exploitation of works and authors' remuneration. There is no equality of parties, and the authors do not receive adequate payment for their work. There is no supervision over the dissemination of creative works on the Internet, copying and unlicensed sharing. Authors and the creative industry need filters used on online platforms that would guarantee the legal use and use of songs in a digital environment, as well as fair play for all Internet users.
Conference on issues concerning creative industries and exploitation of works on the Internet - Digital single market, new rules introduced by copyright directive. Workshops for journalists on copyright in digital environment - fake news, quotation right, inspiration. Workshops for members of parliament on new rules on copyright related to Internet and current situation of creative industry after the pandemic.
Interactive presentation, debate, question and answer session with the audience.
Relevance to Internet Governance: How the Internet should be governed in order to ensure balance, safety and rules of fair play in exploitation of creative works in digital environment, adequate renumeration for authors and respect for human rights.
Relevance to Theme: Rules of fair play should be apllied to governance of the Internet in order to guarantee sustainable growth of creative industry and digital culture, balance of parties and proper remuneration for authors.
Usage of IGF Official Tool.