As the largest non-governmental organization of scientific and technological professionals in China, the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) represents the country's science and technology community. Through its 210 national member societies and local branches all over the country, CAST maintains close ties with millions of Chinese scientists, engineers and other professionals working in the fields of science and technology.
Since its inauguration, CAST has made significant contributions to the prosperity and development of science and technology, to the popularization of science and technology among the public, to the emerging of large numbers of professional talents, and to the overall economic and social development in China.
CAST maintains cooperative relations with scientific and technological organizations of many countries and, as the representative of the Chinese science and technology community, is the national members of ICSU, WFEO and many other international scientific and technological organizations. In 2004, CAST was granted consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.