IGF 2019 OF #7 Partnership for Inclusion in Lebanon


    OGERO is the executive arm and engine of the Ministry of Telecoms. Our network constitutes the backbone of all telecom networks in Lebanon including mobile, dsp, isp and others. Ogero continue to improve and expand its services including voice and data based on fiber optics. In the near future, ogero will move from connectivity offers to converged packages (voice, Internet, entertainment, TV programs and other) End users will be able to set their own packages and can use a variety of devices from fixed or mobile access. At Ogero we acknowledge the role of ICT and Internet as horizontal enablers for development and a cross cutting means for implementation and accordingly, we are aligning our core business strategies to accelerate progress in addressing the United Nations Sustainable development goals. For this we are working in collaboration with the Private Sector, Technical Community and the Civil Society to reach our vision of digital future, utilizing innovative technologies for the benefit of the Lebanese citizens across our country. While there may be a growing number of initiatives at local, regional and international levels aiming at improving Access, much needs to be done to ensure universal and inclusive meaningful access.

    OGERO Telecom, Gov, Lebanon

    Ms. Layal Jebran, ISOC, Technical community Mr Marc Nader, Data Consult, Private Sector Mr Antoine Aoun, MoT, Gov. Ms. Zeina Bou Harb, Ogero, Gov. Ms. Roula Mekhael, Maharat, NGO

    Online Moderator
    Christelle Abi Aad
    GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-Being
    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals
    1. Key Policy Questions and Expectations

    This session will provide some examples that responds to the following questions:

    - What's the role of ICTs in enabling Development and how can Internet accelerate progress towards reaching the different SDGs?

    - Who's responsibility is the Access and what other stakeholders are involved? Importance of national cooperation and partnerships

    - Beyond mere connectivity how can meaningful access be implemented to ensure everybody is included?