Theme: Development, Innovation & Sustained Development Goals
This Lightning Session builds on 2017's IGF workshop "Two Networks Will Shape Your Digital Future" where speakers detailed how both power/electricity and access /connectivity were critically interdependent. Speakers explored how their synergistic effects are essential to finish the job of bringing Internet access to the remaining billions as most live in rural areas beyond the reach of both network infrastructures.
This Lightning Session looks beyond silos and examines a unique example of how advancements in technology in the areas of access and electricity can create microgrid platforms. It showcases a real time case study in an African coutry, illustrating promising outcomes that can have positive impacts in helping to address the UN SDGs.
The subthemes covered in our Lightning Session are: Internet for Development & Sustainable Development Goals.
We will have as presenters;
Lee McKnight, Associate Professor, iSchool Syracuse University, Academia, USA,
Sarah Weber, Director, Employer & Corporate Relations, Syracuse University, Academia, USA
Paul Rowney, Technical Advisor, Adaptrum Inc, Technical Community, Namibia
IGF 2018
After Lightning Session Report
-Session Title:
“Two Networks That Expand Internet Assess: A Unique Illustration at Work Today”
- Date: Tuesday, 13 November 2018
- Time: 1400-1420
-Session Organizer:
Garland T. McCoy, President, Technology Education Institute
Garland T. McCoy, President, Technology Education Institute
Marina Polachek, iSchool Syracuse University
-List of Speakers and their institutional affiliations:
Lee McKnight, Associate Professor, iSchool Syracuse University, Academia, USA
Sara Weber, Director, Employer & Corporate Relations, Syracuse University, Academia, USA
Paul Rowney, Technical Advisor, Adaptrum, Inc., Technical Community, Namibia
- Key Issues raised (1 sentence per issue):
- Speakers detailed how both power/electricity and access connectivity were critically interdependent
- Speakers explored how their synergistic effects are essential to finish the job of bringing Internet access to the remaining billions as most live in rural areas beyond the reach of both network infrastructures.
- Importance of looking beyond the silos and examine how technology advancements in both access and electricity generation and capture have created opportunities to accelerate the campaign of universal access even in very challenging rural environments in developing countries.
If there were presentations during the session, please provide a 1-paragraph summary for each presentation:
- There was time for only one presentation and that was of the Internet Backpack developed by Professor Lee McKnight at Syracuse University with National Science Foundation funding and designed to generate electricity, store the power and bring Internet access to rural areas where the challenges that need to be addressed are in both networks, power generation/storage and access.
- Please describe the Discussions that took place during the workshop session (3 paragraphs):
As this was a Lighting Session there was little time for robust discussions. That said there was discussion regarding the applications of the Internet Backpack and other similar “tools” that address both network needs (electricity and access) unique to rural areas in developing countries.
Gender Reporting
- Estimate the overall number of the participants present at the session:
There were approximately 20 total participants
- Estimate the overall number of women present at the session:
Approximately 10 participants were women and of the three presenters for the Lightning Session one was a women.
- If the session addressed issues related to gender equality and/or women’s empowerment, please provide a brief summary of the discussion:
As women are largely the educators both in the schools/classrooms and later at home overseeing homework , bringing to their lives both Internet access and electricity will have a huge and direct benefit to their lives and to the lives of their families and communities.