The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Paris, France, from 12 to 14 November 2018. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>> MODERATOR: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for being with us in the open forum cyberspace (?) also I am the coordinator of the west console. Also I am the general of the status security association of China. I'm delighted to present this wonderful panel for our very important guests. A lot of professors joining us. Madame, can you offer information bureau for cyberspace and attrition of China. Mr. Leonid Todorov. And network information center and the professor and everyone knows him. And Mr. We heQuan. We will come to all few. After opening ceremony the day before yesterday, Mr. Antonio sector general of the united nations sat in retirement. There are private sectors and public in that.
Our conversation today is knowledge code in innovation and Internet Governance rules. I will notice there are numbers issues related to the change and challenges brought by new technology. It is IGF. And including in that things, block chain, and so on. There's not a topic fest by any country or in the place along, which is the common topic off of that knowledge. Standard, policy, rules and things around the world. I hope this grows your attention.
After the conference as we concluded last week, it will cause the same extensive content on the broad gathers of victim. I think today is also an opportunity to discuss and share with you. So before we start, I would like to take in the mind that we have one hour for today's decision and it is very important for panelist to share first. Then about 10 year and 20 minutes for the artist to ask questions. First of all, let me give the floor to madame.
>> SPEAKER: There are ‑‑ the annual meeting of global future console that they have in Dubai and IGF here in Paris. I'm lucky to be a part of each and every of the above mention events as now organizer, console member and now panelists.
My observations and sorts along the way make me feel that real design of many countries and the communities to create a digital world of mutual trust and collective governance. And I also keeply understand the urgent need to share experience in hands mutual understanding and the wisdom for a better future of Internet development and the governance. As an organizer, I am privileged to introduce to you the world Internet conference of the BIC. It first showed in 2014. Rannually by the ‑‑ annually by the cyberspace in China and the people's government co‑sponsored by ITU, white pole, DSMA and the WS. It is multi‑functional event composed of forums, Expos and more. 1500 participants attend the conference every year. And along them, scholars and, leaders and representatives people from Iran to the world. They exchange ideas and have issues of Internet and information technology. You ask experience state of the art inFrammation achievements over a period of three days. Now, let me show you a shot about the WIC to have a real feel about the conference and the turn, origin, a very beautiful town. (music)
>> What you concern, expect and need to know. What is traditional or modern, cultural or technological, what is beautiful earth to future. Are all here. It's the most dynamic sphere. The innovative development of the Internet and digital economy will bring profound changes to the life of all.
>> Good morning, guys. (speaking non‑English language)
>> The Chinese concept of building a community of common future in cyberspace and promoting the transformation of the global internet are well received by the are international community. Time to write history. In the past five years, WIC tied up technological development and human destination. You may be inspired to hearing the Internet hot issues from all around the globe. You may be surprised for seeing the upy to date technological achievements. You may be surprised of that focuses on Internet developing trades and probes into the billion future. Science and technology create future. And innovation changes the world. Internet and digital economy are presenting unprecedented creativeness and adding fuel and a sound barrier of the world economy. Thanks to patents, countries around the world dedicated to better interconnections and effective economic and cooperation. A large number of Chinese enterprises will be shared their digital. International cooperation and more cyberspace new trends. It's expectable that Wu Hequan will have more and the light to benefit each corner of the world. Welcome to we Chen. Welcome to China.
>> SPEAKER: Very good, isn't it. The conference is like a window that reflects both opportunities and the challenges brought by Internet to social development and infernal governments ‑‑ internal governments. Internet is a double edge sword. A new round of technological and industrial revolution, you have information marked by advances in information technology is gaining momentum and Ray Laney practice to social and economic developmental. The development of the Internet has also brought many new challenges to the sovereignty, security and development interests of missions acrosses world. Many problems such as digital divide, the spread of a cyber crime to egualations ands equitable order are becoming enclosingly this is on the BASIS of footual respect and the trust. Bare this in mind that it aims for close are international corporation and joined to efforts to be with a community of a shared future in cyberspace. Secondly, the development of a rules and regulations in the fail of the Internet is far looking behind. The advancement of technology. I see. For instance, we have a released world redding tensionno callingch it is 400 companies in and abroad; however, the development of Ariel September rules and regulations are far less and in between. The participants agree that news in the regulations should keep evolving with advancement of technologies. Only can we achieve a 10 isable Internet. Suddenly, China is willing to contribute more goods to global Internet. China has made remarkage achievements optical than 20 years of development. As of June 2018,s number of that has reached 800 and the 2 million. The level of network infrastructure has been greatly improved and the words largest mobile foreG network has been built. The largest number of broad band users in the word. Digital companies are becoming ‑‑ is booming. Digital economy is booming in China where it was sharing Emet ‑‑ over the last weekend, Jack mars is single days transsection volume. That is volume over 24 hours has reached his hit. That's why we call it China our finger tip. China has no exception to the challenges brought by the Internet development. Over the years, we have attached the Eco‑importance to development and governance of Internet. This approach has been proven. It has greatly boosted developments of this is keeping national conditions of China. We encourage countries to learn from each other and we're no know if of any so called model. We believe each country has their own and choose their own math according to the own national conditions.
As China stands, we are ready to build our own efforts to encourage countries across the world to board express trend of Internet development. We are ready to work hand in hand with the international community to address the challenges up ahead. And five proposals on building a community of shared future in cyberspace. Five proposals. Add to the force W, President caught on international community to join hands and promote development, uphold security, participate in governance and share of benefits in this regard. The WIC launched fortune process in 2014 and successfully released the seerius documents and the publishedd world of internet develop meant to report and the China developmental report for two consecutive years. This document shows the latest outstanding achievements and the Internet from all aspects, at the same time provide Chinas ideas and inputs for international governance in cyber case. This is what we provide for the entrailing community.
Finally, cyberspace is a common space where human activities and the development of the ‑‑ we are gathering to increase the welfare for people around to the world with the dividends of Internet development where we will work harder to answer a better. I wish to see you all at we ching summit next year. Thank you, all.
>> MODERATOR: Now I would like to join the panel and share with you some update of the high level anniversary concern about that conference committee and I will look at 2018.
Last week, we organize appointment of the second hike members of 2018's annual meeting. The second left consists of 30 members who are from multiple parties. There is a community with sound name in the ward. They have two co‑chairs. Professor from Germany. And in the first of the line on the table, there are details of the committee and the document, which I will now leverage on here. The hike was at the top on December 16th, 2015. During second WIC. It is hard to organize meetings in the national events and offer consultations to import the issues in 19 Faye. I they will provide suggestion and advice in the national community. In the future, specialized tasks for the hike and conducting deep research are related issues to deliver upcome report. After this year's meeting, they approved it will look at 2018 after discussion. Madame introduced about it. On the BASIS of the lower initiative and development 2016, and 2018, I wouldn't look 2018 reveals the latest development of five key aspect. Global internet penetration and a digital device. Cybersecurity and (inaudible) signer space in the account is. Here like of ‑‑ we will introduce and I think there are times and reasons I want to show you about the propose that by the end, we propose as a whole national university to build digital world based on mutual trust and. So about as a man points off of wooden outlook 2018, if you have any idea, I think that when they present the IGF, we know that everyone think about how much is the Internet Governance future and for our outcome documents, you feel I will have a device and idea on the hike and organizing the committee. I want to put outdocument. Please feel free to take off and we'll have detail in the future.
Now I have a flower to.
>> XIE YONGJIANG: I am one of those that came to Paris. That was my third time at the WIC in the five years. I have seen a pretty incredible evolution of the event. As a true snow case at the Internet in China. The CSIs of the Chinese government is to be understood with 800 million uses. It is nearly a third of all the icers in the world. Stacks like 13 billion transactions in a 24‑hour period on a single online transobjection service is pretty inconceivable as well. And that is something that attending WIC does help to internalize some of those figures. The first is that with my neck, it was about 20 years ago and China had less than 1 IPB4. I was amazed to hear about a million GSM subscribers are joining every month. But since then, China has received over 30/sites, second largest in the world after the U.S. This signing up literally changed tens of millions every month. The sky is something to hold.
The WIC is quite an incredible unit. It is held in a space of significant conference center built for the event. The international convention center and it's held in UNESCO heritage Willage of extreme butty of some thousands of years history. So it is an incredible commitment to China for something that's really seen as a long‑term fixture. And third, I really truly do believe that in five iteration of WIC, I have seen a genuine commitment to engage in dialogue and I think that's only growing. I do think that even after five years, the we ching summit has long changes that does go to the heart of what the Internet should be and that's about hopeness. I think that's in the early stages because I think the actual dialogue is still not happening optimal. There are many, many issues that are not commonly understood properly on that spectrum which President Mcgrown described. There's a choice between a Chinese service space and a Californian service space because that's way too simplistic. There are many, mean thousands connected networks in the world and those cherric qualities of the Internet of openness and nutteddallity occur very Uen low. They're ideals like to be promise and the diluted at almost any level. They're not just setting that almost turn on and off. There are many choices to be made and I really think as I say that we there is that blocking and interventions and it also shows highway much so the point is I fully support the space. Proper dialogue is still to be found where we can really engage openly, listen and be carefuld to. Of course we're here in the IGF is I think it is one of the most important lices, if not right here. I was happy to see this workshop being proposed and approved here because I think it's another sign of China's willingness to engage. I would love to see a closer connection between the wic and the IGF. Join an event one of these years. There's a starting point and I think there's more to be done so we can get through this particular discussion.
>> Thank you. Also for the Internet Governance, it's basic. Thank you very much.
I want to give the floor to Mr.
>> Thank you. Thank you. While trying to think of these topics which was made, I just realize that basically it seems to me that we came to some three narratives. I would say three which the global discussion on Internet governance and all these narratives everyone you have to replace them with hanging. One of them is the western one. It hasn't changedmont since the year 2005. You can find it involved there with papers. The bon on the multi‑layer, multi‑player governance of the Internet and the other one I would put it as Chinese and I first. And we Chang. I wouldn't say anything substantial has been added to his points since then. And finally, you probably heard some of you that to they're nations and there was auto quarter real you wanted. There was some minor attempts to fine tune those messages I believe that we live in a world that was slightly different from where it was with those consults. First of all, I would say the environment has changed dram atically and we can see now that we are no long or living in that global village. Have you noticed word is globalization and global village are no longer in use here at IGS as opposed to the previous times when everybody we see the pannest actually is going from Clint an‑‑ these guys whether November Russia or China or the United States or even in France ‑‑ so, ram, we also ask see the technology is advance at an amazing spite, but we are a lick ‑‑ consensualizing what Internet Governance ‑‑ what kind of Internet Governance should respond to that prepid moon new now the global governance off and on the internet seems to me that we have failed so far to crat an institution which would issue adequate to these new challenges and that's, of course, our communities are full, I would say, in many ways because we were supposed to lead the way in that regard. And also, understandably that we oiled to consensually. I don't know how many sociologist and philosophers are in this room. Because yesterday there was a very, very good session of networks and whether the Internet Governance is irrelevant as network operators see that. Actually, it was Jeff Hurston who suggested that ‑‑ let me just quote him. The university is not yewsly connected any time. The question is whether they're all multi‑stakeholders wreck names and remainness about afternoon changed of so I believe that probably me ‑‑ you have another drawback because at times we do not have the dialect. At times we don't have the dialect and we do not hold it candidly enough. We respect each other for sure, but sometimes it's it just goes over some limits. And I believe that in touch an environment bindd by some self‑compace ends, we are doing our west and of fragmentation of the Internet. Right now we have Paris and we are just seeing the celebration of the ending of the first world war. And everybody was so hopeful at that time that there would be no wars. But it is fuel national home it's not a peace. It's just the truths and the next one is within 57 ‑‑ we should read off as a community and we should reach out and keep reaching out very efficiently and very effectively. Do absolutely players have some other players trying to hold and promote that very candid and open dialect for the benefit of all of us as a community. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. I think it is very interesting for us to discuss in that ‑‑ so, ah, (?) but also for the social activities. The structure may be changing. So it's very important for your idea. Thank you very much. And I will give this to John and neigh can give a brief introduction in the part 2018.
>> Guests ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the blue book forward and the Internet offerings ‑‑ coverings. It is comprised and where are the internet development and teeny Internet development. The blue book round 2 and analyze the developmenter or with the global Internet. Summarize the story and analyze the current (inaudible) for the future. Summarize the (?) or with the Internet in Chinese or EMEA. As you were saying, WBooker 2020 was it released with a fourth WIC. Last weekend. We have the blue book 2018 to be fair. The blue book 2018 (inaudible) listed progress understanding and a true mentor in the internet field. In 2018, continue is amazing (?) the analogies have economic and social development. But that's the right way that's code or coarse for our countries. They are looking at that threat to signer security. We scheduled Internet. Finally, we hope too community and sale. Probably with the new ideas for the developmental or global Internet. And contributing as many as we are. About little a community we are set up for the future in cyber chase. Thank you for your time.
>> Thank you.
>> 2018. This is reference. The blue book folks are related out of there. It is too much in China and from the netta and governor names. The report put forward to tempt the economic and build a community with a field chart. In particular, China and (inaudible) report. You leave a latter year and China in takes was set up and probably for the time. You are collewding. The DRDR had been (inaudible) in Peru. It takes into account perdure. Another table and other searched. It is our census the reports that we provide a new job for China Internets demands and will be used in a new window for the world and China development. We will continue to follow the latest trend of the Internet. Keep reporting our (inaudible) to have a countee or two benefit from water, Internet command. That's all. Thank you.
>> Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you. Absolutely. That's two young people, the newcomer for IGF. I hope you realize it is going to have half a year with greater contribution to drive the blue book. I hope that. Thank you.
And also I want to say thanks to my colleagues.
Now I want to give the floor to professor.
>> Thank you very much. Thank you for the opportunity to say some words here. I just want to continue what Leonid said when the road has changed in the last 15 years. We have the world summit and Internet Governance was mainly a technical issue. Today Internet Governance is a political issue with some technical elements in it. It has fundamental change. 10 years ago, we had around 10, 15 issues. Today we have 100 to 200 issues and the majority of the issues are not things. They are to be used of the internet and this lead us into field of public policy making. So star it's not entries how our big playersd in the internet governance field and which has changed in the environment for our debate. You cannot separate issues from the policy issues, but you need certainly to take into consideration that this is a new complexity which really challenged all state holders and governments and more. There are so many issues and negotiated in so many bodies that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. On the Internet, every computer is connected to every computer and the policy work, every Internet is connected to the any other Internet Governance problem. It means cyber security is a key problem, but it has an economic dimension because privacy freedom and the same thing goes just the way around if you did ‑‑ it is totally disconnected and different issues are negotiated in silos, which I am not connected to each other. The security people are negotiating issues in the GGE of the United Nations. Last week, the mandate with a new GGE with people sitting in this room and connected from the world trade organization. They're northing digital trait, but it will affect each other. Securityerns and trait issues are connected and the people sitting in the human rights 61 sole, they have a right to freedom for expression and privacy in the digital age. They are disconnected and the world organization. So I think this is a really big problem. They can put all the different institutions together. Not only as a mix of different and the governorral organizations because the beauty of the IGF is you have here all stakeholders, the private sector, Acad gee and a lot of wisdom and knowledge is in the different communities. If you leave it in some experts government and experts in the negotiation bodies, then you make decisions which have called out damages and undermine achievement. What is feed ‑TDZ and we made a more holistic approach. We have to bring various stakeholders to different (inaudible) together and we have to be aware and I'm very thankfully she said that. So that pines we have goo news it's not easy. And so far, the thrifts game issue here efeveryone we should look for more universal values and what I see unfortunately, mighty lateral negotiations have to be embedded in a mighty stakeholder governor. Take the wisdom and the overshadowed about globalination and Internet. We all notice, but more and more countries say, you know, our international
>> This undermine the global nature of the Internet and the benefits. The big benefit is that it really goes with the recommend rights decklaication. We can communicate discardless ever funders. I have an idea for your. You can sell did around the globe. It gets renationalized. This is good morning for the economy. This will promote new sign asserts so that means we have to be very can't into and national inTimists cannot be igberd, you about it has to do with as far as make the Internet work great again. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, professor. I always remember that professor asked (?) in 2002 the use for that in China. Right now, I think that is ‑‑ it means that every user has big change not only for China, but for the ward. Change the world totally. So it is very important for us to face the new application, new behave your, new system and new structure. The perform mate be a little change. We will go from economic and from the resources to (?)
Now I want to transfer flow to professor.
>> SPEAKER: Thank you for the invitation. So great speech. I don't have many things or many words to add. I've heard. Basically I agree totally with ‑‑ to do a friend or speech. Let's rely special rules. We can see in a junction point we have a fork. We have on one hand the static technology that could be very complex, but it has not a capacity to change the essential behavior. And we have the dynamics and ‑‑ I can maybe learn new things and escape the original goals. Send that to the energy. Part of the (we are facing now to treat two different things. For example, we have a lot of pressures with the ‑‑ we have protocols fix it. So we have to deal with the security issues. So in this kind of technology, but I think the first, we still use the same technology to alleviation the problems that economic is using us. Then we have some kind of remedy. If you are dealing with dynamic technology, the things could be worse and could be aggravated if you tried to remedy with more dynamic technology. Then I think we have to be careful in doing things just because they are doable. Not every doable thing has to be done without further considerations and further thinking about. I could remember ‑‑ that is a famous poem of Latin writer call it it is check rabbi in private that gives bill to clay or mud and he wrote the word truth in his forehead and the Oran noticed gets receive is an subject to teach it to be a good guy. But nings go very well and we have to be afraid of what would be the consequences of the dine amix. We can lose control of the new thins and I think we're missing. The moral on the ethics have to underline and support the actual come point. We have ‑‑ we think that ex and morrow and philosophy like in this area and I think we have to have both things to survive in this world. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, professor. I also want to get some comments from maybe professor.
>> There are two initials by China. It's an evolution. Looking back into this ICANN and this IGF and NETmundial, I guess we are finishing the ‑‑ what should I say? First phase? One of those domain names and IPL address. Now we're moving into the next phase. China is taking a very good initiative and I hope you keep doing this kind of initiative here. Then I want to see the set up in America or Africa and India to take of those new initiatives and reach this discussion. I can see you are ‑‑ we should have more. We come here and reach. Then we can address the challenge cybersecurity. It's a big thing. We just don't know how to solve it. AI, again it's the same thing. And the IoT, yes. Elf I hope you can provide a place for dialogue. Need, I think we can mere and move to the next phase. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, professor. Professor TAO, could you share some comments?
>> SPEAKER: Thank you. I am from the BOTT. I was mega member. With so many, there are new technologies that discuss. Data, I would see, artificial intelligence. So I want to know if there is some guidance from your side a lot about the engineer. That was my question. Thank you.
>> Thank you, professor. They still make a global network.
>> MODERATOR: All right. Thanks for that title, professor.
>> I will do my best.
>> MODERATOR: So from my perspective so far, the internet and the internet governance narrative has been burying that very clear north American accent. So it's allege ‑‑ it was really hard to imagine that there would be another we to think of ‑‑ in terms of Internet Governance. Now we have a couple of narratives. There might be some more. I believe that such ‑‑ we should fit into to be created ‑‑ we have minutes left. What kind of dialect can we have by now. This is to reach across and to better understand each other. For me, I ‑‑ I have that trouble to discern messages which are contained in the presence speeches. I can grassp the concept, but I do not understand those technicalities behind them or if I don't know if I am lost in translation or whatever. It is hard to establish some common understanding and that's the basic point. From there, we can travel in whatever direction. Auto another point I want to make, we want to talk about rules and norms. I still believe it is a very tricky thing because Internet is some kind of (?). Trying to establish rules, we should be ‑‑
>> Keep the internet that way through proper governance.
>> Okay.
>> SPEAKER: I know you are going to conclude the meeting and I want to share a few sorts after this discussion. Not much of a discussion because ‑‑ as the professor said, there's not much interaction actually. We don't have a lot of time for feedback from the floor or from the questions from the floor.
From the discussion today, I have some source I want to share. As we have discussed, we can see that opinions and observations regarding the involvement of internet governance are very much diversified. As you can see from your presentations on the podium. But however, I think there are some points that we all share. There are three points. One is that there's the urgent need‑for‑rule making of global Internet Governance to catch up, which is already lacking far behind the technology development. The second is there's no urgent need for more in depths discussions, which are ‑‑ which should be, can be and open based on mutual trust and respect. And thirdly, I think the work of the bill I say and also why do you recognize and appreciate it? However, there are much room to improve and including what the professor has complained that he got the mess an, but he didn't know much of the meaning of it. It implies and the exact meeting of that. That means that there's a lot of work that you may need to do. We need to work harder actually as an international opportunity to move ahead. Thank you.
>> MODERATOR: Thank you, madame. The time is the reason and so, I think we just close and thank you all for your comments and thank you for coming here and talk about your opinions.
As we know, there are a lot of similar discussions going on. All over the world. Even if a palm is would come out and implement it in IGF, I would say thank you all. Thank you.