IGF 2013 - Workshop Proposal Template
Note: The tips in red are compulsory. The tips in blue will be appreciated by MAG during the evaluation of the proposals.
The fields marked with * are compulsory
1) Workshop
Title of Proposed Workshop: *
Which of the broad IGF Themes does your workshop fall under?
• Enhanced Cooperation
• Human Rights / Freedom of Expression on the Internet
• Internet Governance Principles
• Legal Frameworks and Cyber-crime (Spam, Cyber-security, etc.)
• Principles of Multi-stakeholder Cooperation
• The Internet as an Engine for Growth and Advancement
Please provide a concise description of the proposed workshop: * (minimum of 150 words) Tip: Subject matter of your workshop must be of direct relevance to Internet Governance)
Have you organised a workshop with a similar subject during past IGF meetings? If yes please clearly indicate how it will build upon the previous conclusions and how it goes beyond the outcomes previously reached. Please outline the new perspectives that workshop will address.
Background Paper (upload as PDF or DOC file):Tip: Background papers should be provided in advance of the IGF meeting introducing the subject and setting the scene for the discussions in the session. (Expected length of the document: 1-3 pages)
Type of the session:*
Please refer to this link for more information on the session formats.
• Panel
• Roundtable
• Capacity building session
• Open Discussion
• Group Work
• Open Space
• Birds of a feather
• Debate
• Unconference
• Others – Please describe the format
2) Workshop Organisation Details
Provide the name of the institutional co-organiser(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups: * Tip: Please note that in the evaluation process, it will be appreciated if the session includes organisers from at least two stakeholder groups (Intergovernmental organization, government, private sector, technical community, civil society)
Have you, or any of your co-organisers, organised an IGF workshop before? If yes, please provide the link to the workshop report.*
3) Panellists, Moderator, and Remote Moderator
Provide the names and affiliations of the Panellist you are planning to invite. If you are planning to hold a round table session with no panellist, you can provide a list of invitees of individuals and organisations. Tip: Please note that during the workshop evaluation the provision of aspects below will be appreciated by the MAG members:
Diversity of panel or roundtable participants in terms of:
Viewpoints represented
Stakeholder groups represented
Geography (especially participants from developing countries)
Gender and whether youth or other underrepresented age group.
Name of Moderator (if any)
Name of Remote Moderator(s)
4) Inclusiveness of the session
Workshops should be interactive and allow enough time for the participants to engage in discussions. Please indicate in which way the session will allow exchange of views among participants, thus permitting interactivity between panellists, the participants and remote participants.
5) Suitability for Remote Participation
Please explain how you are going to include active remote participation in your session. (For example setting up remote hubs, involving remote panelists, interaction through social media etc)
6) Workshop Contact (Tip: It is very important to provide a contact person that can be reached before, during and after the IGF meeting)
Title (select options): Ms. / Mr.
First Name
Last Name
** Full Address
** Email
** Phone
Your Affiliation
Please state your organisation or Affiliation
Secondary Contact
Please provide a secondary contact in case you are not available
Full name
** Email