IGF Theme(s) for workshop: Emerging Issues
Main theme question address by workshop: Question 2: What are acceptable and proportionate measures that offer Intellectual Property protection
Concise description of the proposed workshop:
Prior to the UK-IGF meeting in March 2012, we asked UK stakeholders to identify topics that were of importance to them. A number of organisations suggested content and regulation as an area they were interested in discussing. This resulted in a workshop titled: “Content creation in a changing world: How do we build the right environment?”. The session looked at building the right environment for ensuring the future of creative content. The report from this workshop is available at:…
This proposal is for a workshop session at IGF Baku which will build on the discussions from the UK-IGF in March. The workshop will look at how to promote and maintain a competitive and vibrant content market. We will begin by imagining the content market in 10 years time, thinking of the wider issues about how people might select and “consume” content in the future, and how the content producers are rewarded/ incentivised to produce this content. Through interactive discussions with the audience the panel will examine ways in which we can work towards ensuring this future, including the production of locally generated content
The discussions around content and copyright are contentious and can result in strong reaction from those on either side of the debate which is not conducive to constructive discussion. Many discussions on this topic therefore focus on one side of the debate. The audience at our March workshop felt that the question of copyright had to be at the core of any discussion around online content creation and could not be ignored. This workshop aims to include the whole spectrum of the debate. However, rather than assessing what is wrong with the current model we would ask panellists to focus on what new a system or alternative model might be. The aim is to have a constructive dialogue rather than becoming entrenched in existing debates.
Background Paper: UKIGF_Mar2012_content_creation_workshop_report.pdf
Name of the organiser(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups:
Laura Hutchison, Nominet, on behalf of the UK-IGF. Nominet is a technical and a business entity. The UK-IGF is a multi-stakeholder partnership.UK-IGF (
Have you, or any of your co-organisers, organised an IGF workshop before?: Yes
Please provide link(s) to workshop(s) or report(s):
Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are planning to invite:
Kate Russell, Journalist, BBC Click (Chair)
Representative from a content producer – could be blogger, journalist, music producer
Representative from content consumer – possibly MP to represent end user
Regulatory representative
Name of Remote Moderator(s):