Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things

{tab Introduction}

The first meeting of IGF stakeholders that led to where we are with the Dynamic Coaltion on IoT, today, goes back to 2008 and was held in the context of the 3rd IGF in Hydrabad. Since the IGF in Hyderabad, the Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things (DC-IoT) has engaged in open meetings at all following IGFs and at meetings in between IGFs on the usefulness of Internet of Things, its necessity to help address global and local societal challenges, and the challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure the Internet of Things is developing in a way that serves people around the globe. 

At the IGF 2015, in João Pessoa the DC-IoT will meet again, in order to progress its agenda, which in short is: 

"IoT going ethical" as the way to find a sustainable way ahead that would help create this “world we want our children to live in”. 

The current position on this will be presented and discussed during the DC-IoT meeting, and the outcome will be presented in outline to the IGF Plenary session for Dynamic Coalition reports.

For more information on the Dynamic Coalition, and supporting documents, see http://www.iot-dynamic-coalition.org/ 

{tab Action Plan}

For 2015/2016, the plan for action is to take the DC IoT draft statement forward in dialogue inviting people from different stakeholdergroups to participate both in a number of meetings and in an ongoing on-line consultation, with the aim to be able to present a full Statement on ” Internet of Things Good Practice policies” to the IGF in 2016.

Interested stakeholders are invited to sign up for the meetings that will be posted at http://www.iot-dynamic-coalition.org/. This website contains information about the work carried out in the context of the DC IoT, and a wiki to which people can contribute as to build up a joint knowledge space on IoT, from an IGF perspective.

The draft statement on IoT Good Practice is open for suggestions and feedback, and can be found at: http://review.intgovforum.org/igf-2015/dynamic-coalitions/dynamic-coali…

{tab Mailing List}

[email protected]

To subscribe: http://mail.intgovforum.org/mailman/listinfo/dc_IoT_intgovforum.org

{tab Stakeholders}

The initiative for the DC IoT origins from the 3rd IGF in Hydrabad and was taken by 

• Francis Muguet (University of Geneva), chair

• Bernard Benhamou (French Government) 

• Michael Niebel (European Commission)

• Anriette Esterhuysen (APC, civil society), private sector 

• Sophie le Pallec (GS1, private sector)

• Bob Kahn (CNRI, private sector)

• Caroline Greer (dotMobi, private sector) 

• Avri Doria (Lulea Technology University, academic technical community)

• Wolfgang Kleinwächter (University of Aarhus, academic technical community)

• Brian Cute (Afilias, academic technical community) 

• Latif Ladid (IPv6 Consortium, academic technical community)

Since, many other stakeholders participants have actively participated, as is clear from the reports, demonstrating that all stakeholder groups are represented in the work of DC IoT. A larger group passively participated over time, and all that have participated have been invited to join the mailing list. Per August 2015, a new public mailing list has been created, and all participants to the original mailing list have been invited to join this list, which is open to any stakeholder with interest in IoT.

{tab IGF Community}

IGF Community Group: Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things

{tab  Reports}


{tab Contact}

For more information regarding the DC IoT please contact one of the following people (in alphabetic order):

  • Avri Doria, Independent researcher and consultant
  • Dan Caprio, Providence Group
  • Maarten Botterman, GNKS
  • Sandra Hoferichter, EuroDIG Secretariat, Medienstadt Leipzig e.V.
  • Wolfgang Kleinwächter, University of Aarhus
