● Develop a DC website containing general information (list of SIGs, members of the DC, contact, mission statement) - as an interim this can be on www.eurossig.eu
● Bring together the various SIGs to compare their curricula and the way they work. The models can be documented using common terminology, to be developed, that makes learning from each of models available to all who wish to start or improve a SIG.
● Find commonalities that can be shared across the various programs.
● Discuss whether there are any elements that are strict requirements for all SIGs? If there any document those in a consensus manner.
● Work on sample curricula to help those schools that wish to establish a strong academic basis. Eventually introduce a level system (entry, advanced, specialised).
● Look at models for teaching the various topics, including remote instruction, webinars and streamed content.
● Look at models for introducing fellows at the schools to the workings of the multistakeholder model.
● Investigate and develop models for funding schools around the world.
● Create a global database for: alumni, faculty, common teaching material