The goal of the Dynamic Coalition will be to educate, inform and disseminate information on current trends and policy developments with regard to blockchain development and regulation. Ultimately, the Dynamic Coalition will attempt to elaborate a “model framework” on blockchain technologies, including: (1) application of existing legal and oversight regimes to financial applications of blockchain; (2) smart contracts or selfexecuting transactions and interactions between humans and machines or between multiple entities which are automatically enforced by the underlying code of the technology; and (3) decentralized autonomous organizations that offer new forms of participatory governance and economic activity. Critically, the Dynamic Coalition seeks to create model rules consistent with international law standards and that could potentially be adopted in different jurisdictions worldwide.
The purpose of this Dynamic Coalition is, therefore, to provide a global discussion arena aimed at scrutinising the various nuances of blockchain technologies so as to ultimately contribute to the elaboration of best practices, policies and regulations.
To do so, the Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain will provide a common platform involving a large variety of stakeholders in a joint analysis of the blockchain debate. Beyond the website ( which will provide the basic information on the work done by the Dynamic Coalition (e .g ., content from workshops and conference, articles, publications or blog posts drafted by individual members of the coalition, output from working groups), a mailing list will allow all members of the Dynamic Coalition to discuss these issues in an open and interactive fashion.
Furthermore, an annual report will also be produced to provide an overview on blockchain technology developments, policies and draft legislations. This report will encompass a selection of articles and analyses on blockchain and will be presented and discussed during the annual meeting of the Dynamic Coalition within the framework of the IGF. By way of background, the idea of a Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain was presented during a series of workshops and conferences held at Harvard, MIT, and Stanford this year. These workshops were organised as a global, collaborative multistakeholder initiative between leading academic and research universities and subject matter experts within diverse sectors and disciplines, including lawyers, economists, designers, cryptographers, and protocol architects. As our work grew in scope, members, and audience, we began to work with other stakeholders such as central banks, policymakers, and entrepreneurs. Many of the stakeholders involved in these workshops have expressly manifested their interest in the coalition and have already submitted material to contribute to the work that will be undertaken by the Dynamic Coalition.