Veronica Cretu is a 2013 and 2012 MAG member. She is currently a member of the civil society Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and Euralo representative on the Nominating Committee (NomCom) at ICANN for 2013-2014, as well as a member of Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) at ICANN, also representing EURALO. She is a former At Large Advisory Committee Member (ALAC) at ICANN.
At national level, Veronica is a member of the civil society advisory board of UN Women, and a Coordinator of the civil society working group on e-Government/Open Government of the National Participation Council (NPC).
She brings more than 10 years of experience in the not-for-profit sector both in Moldova and abroad. Veronica was part of the Internet Governance Capacity Building Program team of DiploFoundation back in 2005-2007. She worked as critical thinking expert for Open Society Foundations in Liberia (West Africa), Turkey and Nepal during 2007-2010. She is actively involved in open government, open data, citizen engagement in decision-making related initiatives both in Moldova and in the region (Ukraine, Azerbaijan). She worked with the World Bank during 2011 on Open Government related initiatives in Moldova.
Veronica managed national scale initiatives and projects. Her areas of expertise include: Open Government, Community Development, Capacity Building (ToTs, etc), Internet Governance, Organizational Development, Project management, others.
Veronica holds a postgraduate diploma in Diplomacy from Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, University of Malta and currently completing her MA Studies in Contemporary Diplomacy with University of Malta.