2015 11 13 WS 191 Engaging youth in a multistakeholderism practicum Workshop Room 7 FINISHED

The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in João Pessoa, Brazil, from 10 to 13 November 2015. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record. 


>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Hello, everyone. Good morning.

My name is Ephraim Percy Kenyanito, and I'm glad to be here.

I just wanted to welcome you guys to the session, Engaging Youth in a Multistakeholder Practicum.

This session is supposed to be youth focused; whereby, the youth themselves have come up with recommendations and, if possible, refine declarations and then come up with what we want to be discussed.

So anyway, you can see the agenda right there. And it is ‑‑ we are almost out of‑‑ we are starting late so we have to be very fast. We have to catch up on time. So I will leave to David to continue and then ‑‑

>> DAVID NG: Thank you. I begin for the collective effort of YCIG, they're proposing this workshop.

It's mainly for speaking ‑‑ and we're planning to have practicums on different ‑‑ for youth to be engaged in the IGF and also in the IG discussion.

Firstly, we'd like to separate into different groups for understanding this stuff because it's not on the very first day for those kind of meetings. So we have to amend a bit on our agenda. May need to change in a sense.

So for the workshop we're thankful Martin and Wisdom. Martin is from GKP Foundation and Wisdom is from ISOC.

So we will thank them for submitting this workshop. Unfortunately, they can't be here today.

We would like to continue the workshop. And thanks, Ephraim, for being the moderator for the whole workshop.

We'd like to talk about what we'll do today.

Firstly, for this time is very first time for youth in IGF to have the youth IGF session. They're very good initiative to engage youth.

So we are happy to have the youth from Latin America to be here with us today.

They can share a bit on what they have done in the past few months. And, also, because they have prepared some declarations on youth that we're grateful to have them to share a few words with us for the first part.

Then we will break up into different groups for discussion. Mainly on two different topics. They will be on Internet governance issue of youth concern, and the other part will be how to make IGF and the Internet governance discussion process to be more youth friendly and more youth appealing.

And then because we would like to have more interaction with different groups, different groups will have short reporting sessions to share with us their observation on the two topics.

After that, we open the floor for discussion. And we will welcome remote participants to inform us of their ideas and also their opinions on how the two aspects we have just suggested.

So may I firstly invite some youth from Latin America who have joined the Youth@IGF Program to share a few words on what they have done in the past few months for preparation and also share with us what your declaration is now on the process. And we can see how we can cooperate in doing more consultation among the youth to make it more group aware.

Please come in the front to speak on the mike and identify yourself.

>> AUDIENCE: Hi. My name is Stefan. I'm from Bolivia. I will share with you some of the experience that we had before came here.

My English isn't really the best so I'll try my best. Sorry.

Okay. Actually, in August more or less we started the course. It was given by cgi and ISOC, and it was an introductory course to all the governance stuff. We had technical. We had governance discussion, technical discussion ‑‑ not discussion, but approachments to these things. Privacy, too.

And it was in a platform where it was like mobile. Then we started to ‑‑ discussion lines between us having selected the stuff that we like to discuss. Like, for example, I was on the governance line of discussion; and there was someone in privacy stuff, things like that.

So we have ‑‑ we came here like prepared. But, you know, in the floor, it's actually other things, and you learn a lot.

I think we really didn't have exactly image of what's happening or what's the discussion, and I think now we can actually say something about that.

I don't like to talk that we represent the youth of all the world, but I think we can make some viewpoints here. And it is like very, very important.

And my friend will talk about the declaration a little.

>> DAVID NG: It's okay. You can just grab the mikes.

>> AUDIENCE: Good morning, everyone. My name is Allen, and I'm also from the youth program.

Now I'm going to talk about our declaration. It is part of the project that we've done that it's called the Youth Observatory on the Internet.

And we've created the declaration because we believe that as the main users of the Internet, we have to be listened in the Internet governance because if we are using it, we have to participate in the discussions of how it is going to happen, how it is going to work.

So now I'm going to read a little bit of our six principles that is the basis of our declaration.

And you are all invited to look more about our declaration, that is also the youth coalition group on Facebook.

The first principle is universal access. We believe that everybody has to be access to keep the equality. So if people from Asia or Europe has access to the Internet and some people from some places in Latin America doesn't have, that's not fair.

We believe that everybody has to have the same condition to access the Internet to be part of the Internet construction.

The second is freedom.

Everybody has to be free to talk and to discuss about all subjects on the Internet to make their opinion clear to all over the world.

The third point is diversity.

We believe that people from all kinds of groups has to be represented on the Internet governance, and that's why we are here.

We are youth people, and we represent the youth people, not in a general way, but we kind of represent us.

The fourth point is net neutrality. We believe that all applications and websites has to be accessed by technical things, not because of the content or ideology, no, just because of technical or ethical things.

Like ambulances, ambulances sometimes has priority to pass in the traffic. So if a tragedy is going on, maybe the civil ‑‑ the police officers have to make ‑‑ to have a faster access to the Internet. But it's ethical. That's all.

The fifth point is privacy.

Everybody has right to keep the right of not identified.

And the sixth one is cybersecurity.

So I'd like to invite you to collaborate with us because we are totally open to receive opinions and suggestions for our declaration.

You can all get ‑‑ enter in our declaration on our group, youth coalition, and to make suggestions. And we are totally open.

And I'd like to thank for the space to explain our project.

Thank you.


>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Thank you very much.

Just to note that we have to proceed very fast. So we would like to go to the next item on the agenda.

And, David, thanks for sharing the declaration. This is going to be presented to this session.

As we pointed out yesterday during the youth coalition that this session is very different because we build on what we've previously done before.

So the next item on the agenda, we've talked about the background in the declaration.

We'd like to break out into group discussions to talk about these two issues, Internet Governance, issues of youth concerns. What are the concerns that young people have? Building on the declaration, what do you think ‑‑ what is lacking in this space and how can we get support for this? Who can we approach for support towards how and when?

And the second issue to talk about is how to make IGF and Internet governance discussions process more youth friendly, not just the discussions but the process more youth friendly.

So I would like us to break out. We initially had a plan to break out into five groups. I think that's still there. So maybe if you can just start saying one to five, and then if you get to number five, you start one again. Then you if you are number one, you are here. Two, there. Number three, there. Number four, there. Five over there. Is that okay?


So one. Just say number one.

(Discussion off microphone)

>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: I think everyone is in group. So the people who first said one, two, three, four, five, you can call your group members; and then we can have the breakout discussions on these issues.

Let's try to be in a group. Just try to ‑‑ yes.

(Group discussions)

>> AUDIENCE: What are the two things that we discuss.

>> DAVID NG: Okay. For the group discussions ‑‑ yes, clear for the discussion, we'll focus on two topics.

The first one is, is there any Internet governance issue is of youth concern. That's the first part.

And the second part is about how to make IGF and the IG discussion process to be more youth friendly.

So we've got from now ‑‑ we've got 30 minutes for session for this part.

I think he will end this session at 11:10. You still got twenty minutes to go.

I will count it on the screen to show you guys.

(Group discussions)

>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: David is going around announcing to make notes of the discussions. Nominate a chair and then make presentations on your discussions.

So just note them down.

(Group discussions)

>> DAVID NG: Participants, you've got ten minutes left. Make sure you covering both topics, on the Internet issues and also how to make IGF more youth friendly.

(Group discussions)

>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: I think the time is up. So we can just wrap up the discussions and just make sure one person was taking notes of these and then give a short summary of that in five minutes. Just be clear. And then we'll take these discussions to the next agenda. Thank you.

>> DAVID NG: So maybe we can start from the volunteers of the groups to come on stage to do the report.

Okay. Please.

And for the other groups, please listen to the other group's presentation.

May I have the very first group to come on stage. Thank you.

>> AUDIENCE: Testing.

>> DAVID NG: Please identify yourself.

>> AUDIENCE: Hi, everyone. My name is Haley. I'm from Hong Kong, and we are like in the group over there. We have four people from Hong Kong and one person from Argentina and one from Brazil.

And like here's some of our ideas.

And for the first question is about the youth concern.

We have like ‑‑ the first idea is about the language barrier. We think that is a big problem for youth to get more participation because people speak their own languages, hard for everyone to speak English.

And second is about accessibility, because like it's hard for us to get participation. And sometimes it's not possible for everyone to get involved in the Internet governance.

And others, it's about the empowerment of youth. Sometimes we think even when we speak, no one listens to us. And this is a big problem.

In addition, we think like the engagement of youth as like similar ideas of the previous one.

And, finally, how to put ‑‑ we think that some of our youth don't like technical things.

For example, privacy.

We want the technical concept to be down to Earth.

What is privacy really related to our daily lives, instead of talking about some technical and some difficult concepts.

And, finally, it's about the localization problem. We want to talk more about like our own concern on our local level instead of the big ideas.

And for the second question, it's about how to make IGF more youth friendly.

And we have three main ideas. The first one is preparation, how we can get prepared for joining the IGF.

And this is a very big step for us to get more involved in this setting. What is the concrete ideas inside?

It's about ‑‑ the first one is about capacity building. We want like some more ideas about ABC, like a website to introduce what IGF is or some jargons; and we want more video or photos or sharing from peers and tutors to get youth more ‑‑ to let them to gain more trust and confidence in order to speak up.

And the second idea is about the interaction in the IGF. Like not just about the youth discussion. It's the discussion among all the IGF sections workshops. We want more like role play or open mike, and we want to get everyone involved instead of panelists and we listen to the panels.

It's about the space and also the setting. We want like a setting maybe without chairs or tables. We want some free and loose structure.

And the final suggestion is about environments. We want some peer‑to‑peer environments and ‑‑ yes, peer ‑‑ no, the final one is about the intercountry and region discussions. We want to discuss ‑‑ like when we have discussion, we want to discuss like some easy or relaxing topics before we really get into some like technical topics. For example, we can discuss some definition of like some ideas before like the privacy. Talk about privacy, we need to talk about the definition first and then the share of background why we think about this, like to make the environment more youth friendly.

And that's all our suggestions.

>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Thank you. I'd like to invite the next session.


>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: If it's possible, I would recommend that you have the suggestions in soft copy so that we can ‑‑ it can go into the report.

If you have a means of ‑‑ like typed, it's much easier.

So we'll take it to the rapporteur, and then the rapporteur is going to put it into the report for the workshop.

The next group?

Okay. You can go if you are ready.

>> AUDIENCE: Hello. My name is Sonia. I'm from Turkey. Our group has participants from Hong Kong, Boliva, and Brazil.

We'd like to address the second question first, how to better engage youth in ‑‑ not just in IG but in Internet governance issues in general.

First of all, we think the peer‑to‑peer approach is really important. And also not on just websites and platforms, but face‑to‑face interaction matters, especially while you're making your initial introduction into the subject.

So Internet governance even the words sound complex and boring to some people, to some young people, so we think a good way to start is addressing a problem that they're already interested in.

It can be privacy. It can be even something simple about Facebook or Twitter.

And once you gain the attention, then slowly and simply start to introduce the concepts related to youth governance.

And like also we think more projects should be done like Youth Observatory Project.

Again, localized engagement. Like going to school forums or ‑‑ yes, youth forums in schools to introduce to more young people about what IG is and what IGF is and how they can raise their voice about issues that they care about.

Also, simplifying the language that we're using, we believe will make a huge difference.

And specifically talking about the IGF, we think that there should be ‑‑ when possible ‑‑ a youth representative at each panel.

Like people ‑‑ maybe sometimes the panel is too technical or too simple, but we don't think that really matters all the time. The fact that the youth is represented and that they have a voice is the important factor here. And like there are sometimes panels about youth and the panelists are all above 50 which does not make sense.



>> AUDIENCE: And that was it. And the issues we care about are really ‑‑ shortly talk about that, too.

Net neutrality is definitely a youth concern in our group. It's affecting the conceptions of Internet in connecting the next billion. It's especially important for Latin American countries.

And the governments aren't paying attention to zero rating because it's expanding Internet access, but more people should be aware of the fact that it isn't Internet, that it's just a part of the Internet.

And we do not agree with our friend who stated that maybe there could be special lanes online for emergencies or for government officials. We think there should be no exceptions.

Cyberbullying and public trial, they mention in Hong Kong when young people don't give their seat to the elderly, they are sometimes videotaped and these are posted on social media which leads to Internet lynching or cyberbullying. So it's interesting localized problems like this, like free speech verses hate speech.

And Internet literacy is a big issue that I think, young or old, all people should care about because if you're not educated in a certain issue, you cannot raise your voice, you cannot have an opinion about it.

So, again, going back to the simplified language to make more people engaged and aware of certain problems and facts.

And one thing we all felt very strongly about is freedom of expression and censorship, especially in Latin American countries, and definitely in my country, there are mass blockings of major websites and also people can get arrested of the things they're saying online. So this is a very important issue, not just a youth issue, but a general one.

And, also, China is having similar problems like the China's firewall and censorship issues. So we also discussed that it was kind of like Internet.org when you have your own Internet and Facebook. It's not 100 percent open and connected.

So sometimes in that way, you may not even realize that you're being blocked.

Yes. That was it.

Thank you.


>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Thank you. Really good points.

I'd like to insist that if possible you just email them to us, the discussion. It would really help with making sure that the report is accurate for this session.

So the next group.

>> AUDIENCE: Hello. I would like to apologize because my English is not very good. And I think I'm not going to speak as very well as the previous one.

But we're concerned with our representativeness in IGF. So we focused on things we can do here. Two proposals we have.

Okay. One is what we've been discussing all the time which is a workshop lead by young people and has this group represented and not like this with no panelists in front of us talking, talking, talking. We'd like to seat and change and no fixed groups and things like that.

And second one is from our friend for China which is the only one in our group of Brazilians, which is not fair.

But she gave great idea of making a booth so you can apply in the next year to have a workshop and then try to have a booth outside, too.

And the material we'd like based on cultural things because we understand freedom of expression has different understanding in each country.

And about the tables, we are discussing about representativeness in a minimal level. We want gender equality, color equality, and regional equality. Age is a good thing because we're talking about youth. So we don't have to talk now specifically about age equality.

So it's basically this. And I'm sorry if I'm not remembering all the points that my group has discussed.

Thank you.


>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Yes. So we are done with the report session from each group.

So we would like to have a question from the floor. If you have any questions, comments, for the next ten minutes because the time is almost up and then we're going to wrap up.

So questions, comments based on discussions, you'd like to talk about the other groups' points, the other groups' points, like, yes, we'd like to have that discussion right now.

Please come to the front and just line up in case you have questions. It's okay.

>> DAVID NG: And, also, for remote participation, the remote participants can raise the question through WebEx; and we'll raise your question in this session. Thank you.

>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Before you start, can the person taking ideas from the remote participants give a readout. Is there someone who was monitoring the WebEx channel?

No points from the youth?


>> AUDIENCE: So that's perfect timing because I was about to raise awareness of the remote participation. Because I've been to a session yesterday, and there was almost no one there. So it's very important to pay attention to online participation. So we are the youth so we have to pay attention to those issues for those who can't come here.

And we'd like ‑‑ our group would like just to give a suggestions for the group here, the groups here, that they put their emails on the project, the paper and send to the moderator so he can send to everyone in the group so everyone has access to everyone's papers. Okay.

That's it.

(Discussion off microphone)

>> AUDIENCE: Like this? We'd like to talk about a point you've made. I don't know for sure, but ‑‑ it was you ‑‑ about technical concepts.

We are talking about when we see workshops, we understand that people who were invited is ‑‑ are specialists. They know what they are talking about, and sometimes it's a problem for young people because sometimes ‑‑ mostly we are under graduating yet. So we are talking about dividing ourselves in front and the technical community and law community and humanities communities to explain within the group what is talking about.

And the second one is advice ‑‑ I don't know what the word is. I don't remember it.

But let's not talk about Internet has only a virtual thing like you can get in the air. Internet is about infrastructure, also. So we have to discuss specifically how Internet is getting into other countries. It's not about getting engaged and Internet governance. It's about getting Internet. So let's talk about more economics sometimes, because we need to be specialists and know something specific, to not talk about only emotional or personal issues when it comes to the table.

Representativeness is important, but contribute is also important. Thank you.

>> AUDIENCE: Just to make something clear, when I said that we could have the Internet access by ethical things, it was just an example. I do not believe in that. We have to discuss that. We are building our opinions that is just an example because it's written on the declaration that the Internet has to be distributed by technical and ethical things, but we don't know which ethical things. We are discussing it. And, if necessarily, we can take it out of the declaration. But we are building it.

Thank you.

(Discussion off microphone)

>> AUDIENCE: Hello. I'm old.


>> AUDIENCE: Is it okay if I talk to you, though?

My name is Tracy Weisler. I live in Washington, DC. And I work for the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. We have a chairman who is also old, but he's very alive and has a lot of spirit. And we have a delegation of American government and business who are old. They have a lot of money and power.


>> AUDIENCE: So my question is I'm here today because I got lost. I was looking for a friend; and she said she was here, and she is not. So I stayed.

What is the purpose of this discussion at the end?

Where will you go with the list that the guys and gals are making, and who is going to read it and do something, do you think?

Is there a process?

I am asking.

>> AUDIENCE: That's the thing here. You're addressing the panel, and we're trying to break that thing.

It's me.

>> AUDIENCE: Well, I'm assuming they're in charge of you.

>> AUDIENCE: Not actually.

>> AUDIENCE: Why aren't you sitting there?

>> AUDIENCE: So who answers me then?

(Multiple speakers)

>> AUDIENCE: Can you make the question again.

>> AUDIENCE: What are you going to do when 12:30 comes? You have your list. You have your emails. Then what?

>> AUDIENCE: You know, that's the thing here. It's like ‑‑ IGF, it's about getting together and start thinking about. We're just proposing to start building capacities between us and make like this brain start where all the regions can get together and start working globally.

We were speaking with them. They're like 15 years old, and they were talking like, "How can we get involved?"

That's the thing. We're trying to start making them be more engaged. And that's the point of having the youth coalition which is this, of what's going on here.

Now, I'm trying to answer your questions.

>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Can I help to answer?

Just to help to answer, the concerns that the youth are making in these workshops is they get heard. We write a report which is submitted to the IGF Secretariat, and we try to publicize that report to as many people as possible, with the recommendations of the young people. And some of them have been taken into consideration.

For example, this year, young people have been involved in ‑‑ for the first time, there was a budget for young people to come to this event.

So these kinds of concerns.

Last year, there were few young people in the event. So the concerns get heard from the report that we're going to compile at the end of this.

>> AUDIENCE: I have a comment as well.

I think you actually quote on a problem we're facing. We have a report and we're speaking open mike section to report what we find. But who is going to listen to us? That's exactly the problem. So I think we need your help in that as well. And I don't know if you have an idea that you can tell us. That would be great.

>> DAVID NG: One thing to add the case for us, from yesterday, we have a YCIT meeting. Like to have more youth to be engaged in the discussion how we can participate in the kind of discussion on Internet governance. For the sense of organizing this kind of workshop, it's providing another platform for gathering opinions for different youth.

For last year, we also organized similar workshop. It's like how we can engage more people in IG. Based on the discussion outcome for this year, we have already done like the IGF ABC stuff which is a very important tool kit for young people to survive in the workshop ‑‑ in the IGF.

And, also, we have organized those youth and mentors meet up. It's the first beginnings for us to engage more peoples. And I think it's one of the outcome.

But in fairness, it's a good point that we need more adults and having us in the process because youth is always lack of those kinds of ‑‑ like money stuff or own supporting in that sense.

(Discussion off microphone)

>> AUDIENCE: I'd like to answer the lady directly.

>> AUDIENCE: Tracy.

>> AUDIENCE: Tracy.

We are discussing this in our group that youth is part of civil society. Civil society has a strong historic of not getting people to work with us. And another problem, I don't have money. So often we depend on other sector's money. But on the great problems and solutions in the work comes from economics, from money.

But as part of civil society, at least we have to have freedom of thinking.

So maybe we are doing something that everybody in this workshops are doing, which is talking, talking. Sometimes they are talking nothing. There is youth. Because everybody who come to IGF know something about Internet. We are not here because we are random.

But like everybody, we are talking things. And, yes, we don't have money. And we still are not even undergraduated.

But as part of civil society, thinking is free. You know?

So, yes, it is this.

And she asked me to say something ‑‑ it's not ‑‑ no, I'm sorry. It's mine, too.

She was saying ‑‑

>> AUDIENCE: No, I was saying you mentioned about a representativeness equality like from different regions. So I think from the room, we don't see much from the U.S.A. or North America.

So I think it would be great if you can bring some from that region to here as well.

>> AUDIENCE: I was going to ask if there are any U.S. people here. None, huh?

>> AUDIENCE: But you're based in Turkey, right?

>> AUDIENCE: That speaks a lot of what's going on. To bring young people here because we get the Latin American initiative. I think we've got the Asia initiative. In Europe, there is also an initiative. You can speak better than me. But there's no U.S. initiative. And that maybe sends a message to the youth coalition.

>> AUDIENCE: I don't want to take up a lot of your time because you have things to talk about that are more important than what I have to say; but I have two ideas.

One is I would like to personally receive the output document so that I can work it ‑‑ we use the word "lobby" in America ‑‑ but to work it in the U.S. zone. And maybe I can help next time to have you meet with people who are what I call a change agent, someone who will listen and take action based on what you're saying.

The second thing is does anyone here know how to code?

Yes? Or know in your hometown or your home country people who do code?

Well, the other thing I'm going to say is there is an organization called the OECD.

Anyone know it?

You know it? That's great.

My teenager says CD like it's a CD.

He doesn't know.

But the point is the OECD has a ministerial with 100 ministers sitting in a room looking at each other next year in Cancun, Mexico. They are holding a hack‑a‑thon where they are sponsoring teams from each country from the OECD. That's 34, plus the other countries that are participating; and the industry is going to give out a lot of cash prizes, a lot of money.

So if you're interested this learning more about that, how to make a team, and how to be supported for your travel and hotel ‑‑ you have to be over 18 because it's a legal issue for being an adult verses a minor. We don't want to take responsibility for what you do if you're under 18 because you're going to be crazy, especially in Cancun. Whoa.

So if you'd like to learn more about that, signal to the moderators who are not in charge but to collect the names and put OECD next to your name, I will be happy to make sure someone gets back to you about the team and money for travel and support and the prizes and how it works.

I'm glad I stopped in. I think you guys are awesome as we say in English.


>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Thank you very much.

We always appreciate support from mentors, people who can show us direction, because the young people, we don't know exactly what we're doing, but trying to grapple.

So let's get the remote participant and then two more people to comment and then wrap up and close.

Let's have the discussion for ‑‑ there's a Facebook group online.

Okay. You can just come.

There's a Facebook group on youth coalition on Internet governance. There's mailing lists. Let's take this discussion online. It's free to join. Let's talk more on the Internet, not here physically but virtually.

>> AUDIENCE: Hello, everyone. We have some ideas from Nigeria IGF Lagos hub about the Internet governance youth related issues.

Low level of awareness on IG process. Low levels of responsibility. This is why they prefer to just use the Internet rather than bother about matters that require responsibility.

Making the IGF process more youth friendly.

Get more youths as panelists, moderators, and speakers doing IGF programs.

Clear definition of Internet governance terms and process, making it easier to understand.

So we have a question from Abuja hub.

How possible is it to enforce target outreach to younger minds?

Yes. That's all.

Thank you.

>> AUDIENCE: I'm going to give a short answer, and then I hope my colleagues can complete it.

I believe that local actions, we're not here talking about big ideas as I believe this group has said.

For instance, we're discussing about going to college, spread some news, and get people around to discuss Internet issues and bring more young people to Internet governance debate. So not thinking about big ideas, ask yourself the need of the thing and go local.

Go local.

And then unite like we're doing.

>> AUDIENCE: I would like to talk about some ‑‑ one issue.

I think it's very, very important not just to come here as youth. What is important? It's to make things change. And this is something that I think we need to work to get more into the panels, the youth. I think it will help.

But we have to start thinking how we can get more influence as youths. And I think that's a problem we have to move on for the next IGF.

>> DAVID NG: One more question.

>> AUDIENCE: I'm Felix from Hong Kong, and I have a little bit of things to add and probably recap what Sonia said.

Because I've been attending a lot of workshops concerning the youth. And the panelists here are discussing youth problems without youth present. We've addressed that. But I'd like to kind of reaffirm why we feel strongly that there should be youth panelists in the panel.

I'm not challenging the qualifications that the panelists have, and a lot of them have done extensive research on the problems. But a lot of times we hear suggestions from the panels such as we have to educate more. We have to build awareness. We have to make more people know the problem, blah, blah, blah. We could have said that.

And at the same time, I think that even we cannot provide any professional or like scientific recommendations, I think it is important that our voices be heard, not only in the like five minutes Q&A session where we have to make our questions really short.

I think it's important to provide our perspective as youth Internet users on the issues that are discussing and particularly on the issue of youth. So I wanted to recapitulate this point.

Thank you.


>> DAVID NG: I think very last question, and we'll wrap up.

>> AUDIENCE: Hi. Let's ‑‑ the question. Nowadays, we can guarantee the freedom of expression, but we can't guarantee the freedom after the expression.

What do you think about it?

>> DAVID NG: A very short answer and then back. Pass the mike to the back.

>> AUDIENCE: Actually, I heard that quote once more while I was in IGF a few days ago. And that's a major problem that I think everyone is facing, not just the developing countries or underdeveloped countries. But even in the western world, it's a problem. It's just a less visible problem.

And I think the freedom of expression is nonexistent if you can't guarantee the freedom which follows afterwards.

So it's just a word, freedom of expression, if once you said it you get locked up or arrested or put on surveillance by officials.

And there's no easy or short answer to tackle this because every region and country has its own problems, but keep talking about it and keeping Internet free as much as possible is good general direction to go. That's what I think.

>> DAVID NG: One very last short answer at the front, and we'll close the session.

>> AUDIENCE: It's a short. She was talking about freedom of expression, which is different in every country.

For instance, just for you to know, Brazil now has a lot of publicity about racist malign. So if you're practicing racist malign, you can go to jail for that, according to the national law.

So it's reminder of importance of what our report is talking about content of different regions so we can understand what is crime in your country and what is the results of freedom of expression on Internet.

>> DAVID NG: Okay. Thank you.

I think we are done here. And for the wrap up, I'd just like to pass one word because I always like to do trainings with net mission previously. I share a quote I like much is with larger powers come great responsibility.

I think for youth, we are in the process of a new age. That's why we would like to ‑‑ we have the ‑‑ we will be the adults in the future. And or you are already an adult, but in a sense that we should take the responsibility to make changes.

I know this is very first time for youth IGF to happen in IGF.

You should like to get the chance to know about IG. And afterwards what is the question depends on you guys and depends on us, how we can make change in our local level or regional level, how we can do cooperation with different region, and how we can make IGF more youth friendly. That's the purpose of this workshop today.

I thank everyone for coming today.

Therefore, in this workshop we got to record our outcome discussion. We thank Haley and Felix to be the reporters.

They're doing that mission. They will be doing the report in the open mike session, summarize those kinds of things we have already discussed in this meeting.

So for next step, I think it depends on all of us how we can make the process to be more youth friendly, not just like a closed mindset. We always discuss the problems of open, how we can open is not just discuss within youth group. It's important to also get in touch with some policy makers and some change makers. Maybe just like the old people, they already got resources and ideas and relation on how they can help with us. We should know them.

The young lady, Tracy, she attend this workshop. We appreciate her effort and giving us ideas on how we can make changes. So keep that to be open minded for everybody to make changes. Thank you.

>> AUDIENCE: To add a little bit, Haley and I will ‑‑ we have this mailing list of the attendees today, and Haley and I will compile a short list of what we've discussed today and we'll email to every one of you as soon as possible.

Is it okay if I make the emails of everyone visible so you can reply to anyone?

>> AUDIENCE: We have the video on Youtube.

>> AUDIENCE: Thank you.

>> AUDIENCE: Guys, I'd like to say something more. It's like can I just ‑‑ all workshops are being recorded and everything is on IGF account on Youtube. We are live now and there will be a tape there after.

>> AUDIENCE: Hey, moderator, can I say something more?

>> DAVID NG: Sure.

>> AUDIENCE: I'd like to say that every participant here comes from a country who have like multistakeholder style. What if we get some youth from China and from Russia that we can listen about multilateralism. I think it could make the group more rich. We should consider this. Thank you.

>> AUDIENCE: I want to add a final message quickly. Please do not feel underprepared for changes. We are the youth. It's not because we are undergrade or we have a Master's degree. It's not the degrees that define the change that we're going to make. So please don't feel underprepared for the changes in the IGF.


>> EPHRAIM PERCY KENYANITO: Just to ‑‑ as a strategy, just to emphasize on what David said, during the open session, feel free to emphasize those points and just say we discussed this ‑‑ and for us to bring the concerns to the wider community. Feel free to go to the mike. Don't be shy. Thank you.

>> DAVID NG: So want to thank you, everyone, and remote participants for joining us.

I got a last notice from the youth of Latin America. They seem there's another party tonight so feel free to join them tonight in the same place. Right?

That's off record.

Yes, so feel free to join for tonight.

Thank you. Thank you for coming.

Yes. Thank you.

(Session concludes at 12:37)