IGF Dynamic Teen Coalition (DTC)
The IGF Dynamic Teen Coalition (DTC) serves as a platform that empowers teenagers to participate in shaping the global landscape of Internet governance.
The IGF Dynamic Teen Coalition (DTC) serves as a platform that empowers teenagers to participate in shaping the global landscape of Internet governance.
The national IGF of Czechia was established in 2023. Its main objective is to create an open and inclusive platform for all stakeholders to cooperate and discuss public digital policy.
The national IGF of Serbia was recognized in 2022. Its main objective is to creat an open, inclusive, public, open, constructive and useful process to help shape the national digital policy and create conditions for further digitalization whilst preserving the rights of citizens.
Since 2019, SEEDIG runs a multilayered programme for engagement of youth in its processes. This includes a dedicated school on Internet governance for youth hosted in conjunction with the annual meeting and guidance for effective participation in the annual meeting as well as in the intersessional work long-term.
Polish Youth IGF was established in 2022. It serves as an open platform for exchanging experiences and views on Internet governance at national, regional and international levels.
Youth Russian Internet Governance Forum (Youth RIGF) - is a multistakeholder platform aimed at empowerment of the Russian youth and facilitation of discussion between representatives of public, academia and business sectors.
The Albanian Youth IGF initiative was established in 2018. It aims to create a multistakeholder process through which the Albanian Youth community will have opportunity to engage in Internet Governance discussions on national, regional and international levels.
The Armenian Youth IGF initiative was established in 2019. The forum provides an open platform for Armenian Youth to take part in Internet governance discussions, to get acquainted with Internet-related issues concerning Armenia.
自 2019 年以来,白俄罗斯国家 IGF 的多利益相关方组织委员会表示将促进一系列关于青年参与国家 IGF 进程的重点计划活动。
Youth IGF of Turkey is focused on gathering inputs on the Internet governance related matters from young people in Turkey, and on creating a unique forum for the youth to discuss these matters.
The Youth IGF-UA was established in 2017 and aims to provide a platform for young people in Ukraine to engage in Internet governance discussions.
EuroDIG is created in 2008 by several different stakeholder groups. The main aim of EuroDIG is to promote the engagement of Europeans in multistakeholder dialogue in order to share their expertise and best practice and, where possible, identify common ground. This enables EuroDIG to pull together national perspectives and to apply and shape European values and views regarding the Internet.
SEEDIG was established in 2015 year. It creates a space for an open, inclusive and informal dialogue on Internet governance issues between stakeholders from South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area.
National IGF of Poland was established in 2016. This IGF stands as an opportunity for the community to discuss in an open and unrestrained atmosphere about the most important issues related to the functioning of the Internet in Poland and beyond.
تم إنشاء IGF الوطني لروسيا في عام 2010. المنتدى مكرس للإجابة على السؤال المتعلق بإجماع عالمي محتمل في مجال إدارة الإنترنت.
Slovenia national IGF was organized in 2016 year. Its goal is to gather different stakeholder groups in Slovenia, to discuss relevant Internet governance issues and seek for potential solutions.
National IGF of Ukraine was created in 2010 year. The purpose of this Forum is to discuss the most critical issues of the information society development in Ukraine.
تم إنشاء IGF الوطني لروسيا في عام 2010. المنتدى مكرس للإجابة على السؤال المتعلق بإجماع عالمي محتمل في مجال إدارة الإنترنت.
National IGF of Hungary was established in 2019. Its multistakeholder Steering Committee facilitates an open and inclusive, bottom-up process for everyone to engage in discussions on Internet governance.
This national IGF was established in 2020. Its main objective is to bring together members of various categories of actors to discuss, within a multilateral, democratic, and transparent process, the most important public policy issues related to the Internet.
The national IGF of the FYRO Macedonia, was established in 2017. As per its Declaration, It is an open, inclusive and informal space for dialogue on Internet governance issues between all stakeholders.
Croatia IGF was established in 2015 year. It aims at creating an environment for open discussions and thinking in the Republic of Croatia on important issues concerning the future of Internet.
The national IGF of Estonia has been organized since 2017 and is in Estonian called "Internet Day". The mission of the event is to create a unique platform for all stakeholders and the local community to discuss the topics related to the Internet Governance issues.
National IGF of Georgia was organized in 2016. Its main objective is to support participation of all stakeholders in Internet governance related discussion, as defined in the Charter of the Forum.
Albania IGF was established in 2017. Its objective is to create an Internet governance discussion platform for all stakeholder groups of this respective country.
The Armenia IGF was established in 2015. The main goal of this Initiative is to provide an open and transparent platform for all stakeholder groups to bring up and discuss Internet governance related issues.
Azerbaijan IGF was established in 2014. The main goal of this Initiative is to provide an open and transparent platform for all stakeholder groups to bring up and discuss the Internet governance related issues.
Belarus IGF was organized in 2016 year. Its main objective is to bring different stakeholder groups from Belarus to discuss relevant Internet governance issues. This national IGF also facilitates engagement of the youth through integrated Youth IGF initiative.
Bosnia and Herzegovina IGF was launched in 2015 year. It is a multistakeholder platform for discussing Internet governance related issues from the perspective of their respective community.